Obviously....its not a good look for him..he should have accepted one of the websites......get the UN involved does ring hypocritical......I said a long time, I'm sure I made a thread on how he basically threw his movement in the bushes......though again, the whole Republican primary was Def Jam comedy mixed with Meet the Browns meets Will Ferrell.....complete joke
I agreed with many of things he has espoused, not everything, and he's not a saint, just a man......but seemingly he stood and voted as a Congressman most of the time on strong principles, that just happen to come from a libertarian mindset.........Nonetheless, what interested me from the beginning is his talk of freedom and liberty and trying to prevent Americans from being 21st century slaves....maybe that shipped has sailed, but ideologically, never understood why folks hate on somebody looking out for your interests.....unless you desire to be a 21st century slave??...

...not to mention his stance against agression on countries, plus his spotlight of the financial/monetary system..........
I never agreed with all his opinions either, ...honestly, if we were to go to a straight libertarian system, many of my own ideals about regulating against frankenstein food and the protecing the environment would have me straight schizo, b/se it would slam head on into those concepts I support....................but I mean if yall are happy with continuing on into the twilight zone and you can trick yourself into thinking its cool to be sheep...then nothing I type up here is going to make much of difference...
Like I've said, it could have been a Purple Alien with twelve fingers, from an extraterrestial political party.... as long as that sentient being was supporting the Bill of Rights, I would have said he or was that dude/lady, because he or she gets it .... they realize 21st century slavery is not what's hot in the streets..... but I can't convince you of that, you/many of yall have a mentality that can't seem to escape the reality that so much of politics is a farce.....what ever TEAM you think you are own is a straight

what was the last regulation or law that expanded your freedom in the last 10 years??? I'll wait......

ok, now how many laws/regulations have codified removing your freedoms in the past ten years?? I'll wait.................
I gradually shedded political labels for myself.....if its about freedom and protecting people's health and transparency then i support that..........

Yall really brought the ellipsis out, cause clearly I only go hardbody like this, when I percieve zombie horde mentality.....