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Fukk your corny debates
Really b?
In 2008, a group of Ron Paul supporters foundedRonPaul.com, a Ron Paul fan-site that became one of the leading sources for information about and support for the perennial Libertarian presidential candidate. The creators of the site "put our lives on hold and invested 5 years of hard work into Ron Paul, RonPaul.com and Ron Paul 2012." His presidential campaign fell short, but the enthusiasm lived on as supporters continued to rally around this free enterprise Messiah.
Yesterday morning, Ron Paul repaid their support by*filing a complaint*with the World Intellectual Property Organization, an agency of Paul's much-reviled United Nations, seeking the expropriation of both RonPaul.com and RonPaul.org from his supporters without any compensation.
The editors of RonPaul.com explained the situation,
Last month, after Ron Paul expressed regret on the Alex Jones show over not owning RonPaul.com (in an interview titled "Ron Paul: The Internet Is Our Last Chance to Awaken America"), dozens of supporters urged us to contact Ron Paul to work out a deal.
We sent Ron Paul the following respectful offer [View/Download PDF File], explaining that we'd prefer to keep RonPaul.com due to reasons explained in our letter.
At the same time we offered him RonPaul.org as a free gift so we could keep using RonPaul.com and he wouldn't have to use something like RonPaulsHomePage.com.
Ron Paul rejected their offer. They then told Paul exactly how much their site was worth:Our offer went on to explain that in case Ron Paul insisted on obtaining RonPaul.com, we would prepare a complete liberty package consisting of RonPaul.com and our 170k mailing list.
The value we put on the deal was $250k; we are getting our mailing list appraised right now but we are confident it is easily worth more than $250k all by itself.Their offer is consistent with their beliefs: In Libertarianism, nothing is free, except Freedom, which isn't really all that free anyway. What happened next is outstanding: instead of engaging in Free Market bargaining, Ron Paul (RON PAUL) appealed to an international governmental organization for help.The editors of RonPaul.com have reprinted some very choice words that Paul had to say about the United Nations while he was in office:
Those bureaucrats are not satisfied by meddling only in international disputes, however. The UN increasingly wants to influence our domestic environmental, trade, labor, tax, and gun laws. Its global planners fully intend to expand the UN into a true world government, complete with taxes, courts, and a standing army. This is not an alarmist statement; these facts are readily promoted on the UN's own website. UN planners do not care about national sovereignty; in fact they are actively hostile to it. They correctly view it as an obstacle to their plans. They simply aren't interested in our Constitution and republican form of government.
The choice is very clear: we either follow the Constitution or submit to UN global governance. American national sovereignty cannot survive if we allow our domestic laws to be crafted by an international body. This needs to be stated publicly more often. If we continue down the UN path, America as we know it will cease to exist.Down is up. Cats are doing dogs. Ron Paul has asked the United Nations for help.
Really b?