Texas teacher claims she couldn’t have fondled black student because she’s racist


All Star
Jul 18, 2012
Racism as a legal defense. Very interesting.

If this works I expect to see some brothers get off when a white woman gets raped. Use coli posts as evidence.

Public defender: "And could you explain to the jury what 'CAC' means please.":sitdown:

Coli poster: "Cracker ass cracker.":mjpls:

P.D.: "So is it safe to say that you aren't fond of white people?":leostare:

C.P.: "That is correct. They smell like wet dog. I ain't raping no white bytch. Look at those pointy ass elbows. I've got a dozen Puerto Rican dimes waiting on me right now.":jawalrus:

P.D.: "The defense rests your honor.":smugbiden:


Do You Believe...
May 9, 2012

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
white milf teacher :ohlawd:

racist :leon:

molesting a student :shaq:


7 year old girl.. :snoop:

I was hoping this was an IR porn situation. :wow:


Aug 12, 2012
:deadmanny: at that excuse...

However, you'd be surprised (or maybe not) at the amount of racist teachers there are.

Was thinking of the right thread to talk about this because I missed my chance making a topic about it when it happened. It really is amazing how when you are a young kid you are in denial about it and don't think racism exists in your pure teachers

As you are growing older you finally see.

Anyway a couple weeks ago I was in the computer lab on campus finishing up some work before a class came in when I saw this older woman come in and sit 2 or 3 seats from an older female student.....who looked like they were in their mid 30s.

The one who looked younger and was in the lab before me, she and the older woman started talking and the older woman revealed she was a teacher at a Public School in Brooklyn(sorry can't remember which) and then started talking in that condescending way we all know of about black people without actually saying black people.....

It was my first time actually witnessing that up close. You all know what I'm talking about.......that "tone" they use.

While in the lab she started talking about this one girl who got disrespectful and told her that she doesn't care and that "My mom is gonna fukk you up" and right there in the lab, I guess to show off .....this pale Marie Antoinette actually calls up the house and gets some dude who introduces himself as the uncle or father and she explains the story to him and it doesn't seem like they care.

After saying bye, says to the other woman who you could tell from the conversation since they came in, they never met and she just wants to show off to someone who will listen.......about how she doesn't think that was the father/uncle with a dumb laugh.

Then she calls another number and gets the mother this time, and she listens to the story anand after hanging up, the teacher tells the woman next to her how the mother only said "Okay thank you Miss____" in reference to what her daughter said like she wanted/expected to get some flowers by the mother and for her to say something like "I would never tell my daughter I am gonna beat up a teacher.....how can she be so disrespectful". In the conversation with the mother she also brought up her low grades and spoke about how "you should tell her to study because her grades are slipping and we have another test coming up"

This conversation was like in March.....if I'm not mistaking isn't Parent Teacher Conference in November? :childplease:

People say things like these don't mean anything, but its the subtle things/actions people do and the tone they have especially when its condescending. Her comment to the person beside her was typical because if the mother had gotten ghetto over the phone instead of holding her composure like she did, we know she would continue with the stereotypes either way.

I forgot to mention that before she even made a call on her phone to anyone, she started talking about how horrible the school is where she works and when the younger woman started asking questions like "what is the problem", "is it the school" "do they grow up like that",etc she starts talking about how a lot of them are not very book smart but are very street smart and "they are definitely smarter than me when it comes to the streets.....but not very intelligent".

Then starts talking about how a lot of them "only have one parent"

I'm sorry on paper/a forum it is hard to put into words and yes we all know some things said are true, but you kind of have to be in front a person like that in person to witness yourself what I am talking about.

I was getting heated hearing her stereotypical Middle America viewpoint with that out of touch way of speaking.