spot on. This isn't new tho. This has long been one of the tactics of systemic oppression. They INTENTIONALLY hide, bury and manipulate events of the past. This is why alot of us are currently ignorant to alot of things. This is why alot of us dont even know about Black WallStreet. This is why we currently celebrate things like Thanksgiving and July 4th. Those are white supremacists holidays "romanticized". This is why its up to US to pass down the knowledge. We cant expect them to. This country was not built with the betterment of blacks in mind. This is the white man's land. They're gonna teach us ONLY WHAT THEY WANT US TO KNOW. The day that we collectively wake up and learn who our true enemy is will be the day that America is no longer "america". They know this. I feel a shift in our consciousness happening these past few years tho. We are slowly starting to awake.
Everybody knows the roots of thanksgiving but they don't care because they get to eat and take the mentality that it's been changed into something new, that's like saying people still celebrate Columbus day and what type of education could stop people from celebrating the 4th of July?
People don't know about Black Wallstreet I'll give you that (well most people but I know of some school districts where it's taught in the curriculum and my Soc teacher had us do something on that or a umber of other racial events) but slavery and the results of it and important black figures at least in California around where I'm from is actively taught in the curriculum.
The problem with the way black history isn't that it's not taught imo it's that the effects of these things aren't properly linked to modern day america nor are things like the Reagan era emphasized enough in importance or even reached because of the length of the school year, this is an issue imo because these things can be taught to kids in a quick one period session or at least they can be made to know about it.
This and more why I did an argumentative essay in my senior year as to why a Sociology class should be mandatory for all students to take/the way history is taught be slightly re-worked, I think i've mentioned this last part on here before.