Then we have no problems here brothaAlready do that
Luckily we can teach our own children and because we have access to studies that show black children develop faster, we can teach them more at a higher rate and have them excel at an earlier age.The white man rewrites his-story and just expect people to forget .
The school system is being used as weapon to destroy the black child one at a time.
I only sell to cacs thoughThen we have no problems here brotha
Explain how I'm dumb?
Don't try and get out of this now.
Cause everytime I call someone out on here they bounce with the quickness and all of the sudden run out of answers and their accusations are all of a sudden unexplainable. dont run nikka explain how I'm dumb
People always say this lolAlmost every group on this planet has been enslaved, slavery is not bound to blacks even though black americans love to own it. Its just, no other race pass this disgusting legacy down to their children. The word "slave" itself comes from "slav", who were eastern europeans that were so bound that their ethic name became the representation of that behaviour.
You just proved my point. African history is the oldest history on the planet and yet the only topic that gets brought up is black oppression.
Like I said earlier, that's the shyt that will give you an inferiority complex.
.............ThisIf you're black and school is your intro to American slavery than you have shytty parents
Money and resources is power.
Thats all Im gonna say
Sadly, we dont. Keeping it real, we view OURSELVES as more of a threat today than the white man. We trust the white man more than we trust ourselves. We would rather live amongst the white man than live in all-black communities. We would rather spend our money at white establishments than black ones. We feel safer around "others" than we do ourselves. We worship light skin and hate our own dark skin. This mentality is all by design and must be changed. The brainwashing and mental conditioning of black people during the slave days, still has an affect today.I'm actually surprised by how so many of ya are mad. You should already know your enemy. Remember who you're dealing with.
Start a black business or support one if you want to help my movement out.
At least employ brothasI only sell to cacs though
You don't really have a real plan to fight do you
If you're black and school is your intro to American slavery than you have shytty parents