I actually work on Wendy's campaign, and I can clarify some of this.
- First of all, yes, demographically, Texas can become blue in the next couple of elections. We have a strategy, and we know exactly who we are going after. The first thing to realize is that no one really knows what kind of state Texas is. Texas is a red voting state, not a red state. Republican turnout is great and is basically how they win. The traditional demographic of democrats in Texas has the numbers to win. Our goal is to get voter registration info right and to get to women. We are out in low turnout areas every day, every weekend getting these people registered.
- yall have no idea how fired up women are about this woman. Republican women from conservative counties are coming out the closet. i've personally heard plenty of these stories. The women's vote is still represse via household influence. But I think Wendy really emboldens these women for some reason. This has really been the biggest surprise for me. lots of people from out of state jumping on that wagon too. Wendy may not win, but she will be a political celebrity. She has a great story. She might be 4 years too early, but I think the national party really wants to groom her. I think she scares the hell out of the Republican party because her voting record in the state senate IS bi-partisan. She has been a prolific author of legislation that Repubs like.
- the voter ID stuff is BS. part of it is, how hard it is to get an ID. Voting is a right for citizens, meaning you're born with the idea as a citizen that when you are 18, the burden is on the state to identify your right not to vote. These conservative groups have done everything they can to reverse that. They are trying to catch women on some bs, like their initials or spelling of name isn't exact. That's why we are out there, not just registering voters, but making sure everyone on both sides have their info correct.
- Can Wendy win? We think so, but its an uphill battle. The biggest fight is going against the misinformation about where she stands on issues. I'm sorry, but I can't respect the game these conservatives are playing. She can be on their side on an issue, and in the case of the land rights bill from a couple of years ago, that she authored, be hand in hand with their own representatives, and they will try to spin her into something she isn't. Like I said, she is feared. We've found out some of their plants already. They are truly shook.