He had the best big boot and the best pump handle slam too. His flying elbow is mad underrated and up there as the best too. He kept on getting those start and stop pushes. Had that great feud with Shane and that Summerslam 1999 was a break out match for him and showed that you can put Shane in a big match and he can deliver too. IDK how he didn't get a PPV match with HHH after the HHH-Steph marriage angle with no follow up, would have made more sense for Steph to turn on Test and side with HHH. He was getting a big push near the end of the Invasion angle, even had a bunch of segments and matches on Raw & Smackdown with The Rock in late 2001. Had the UnAmericans push, but Undertaker was in his fat, out of shape, no selling Biker Taker mode and the match after Summerslam 2002 led to nothing. He actually started to get comfortable and much better on the mic as a heel in the Steiner & Kiebler feud, but they had already gave up on him by the time he improved his mic work. It's funny because I been saying he has a lot of similarities with Reigns.