some argue it started off a a mistranslation of Muhammad but it became what you said (abomination)The baphomet dervies from the Arabic word "father of understanding"
Ba = father and faheem = understand
the picture is the embodiment of the Hermetic principles and Alchemy which branch back to Ancient Egypt/Babylonian mystery schools:
It has the figure pointing up & down to symbolise the "as above so below" principle / the snake figure shows the kundalini rising/ the phallus and the breasts show androgyny which refers to the joining of man&woman
The entire image is essentially occult symbolism for Alchemy
Now where things get weird is that the Templar Knights discovered this "being/Djinn" that called itself Baphomet which they worshiped and taught them how to get rich
Its not absurd that people worship Djinns in exchange for favours; but in doing so the person loses all access to the hereafter for worshipping these Djinns over the Almighty
cacs called Muhammad, Mahomet
after taking L after L the Templars started singing crusader songs Favoring the Muslims
I see that Christianity has been badly hit;
I do not believe that we have suffered such a great loss (as this).
And it is therefore reasonable that we from now on abandon our belief in God
and (instead) worship Mohammed there where he is, and
Tervagan as well and his companions,
since God and Saint Mary desire
that we be conquered unjustly
and the infidels have all the honor