WWE.com: 20 ridiculous WCW moments you may have missed 

In late 1999, Battle Dome debuted in syndication as an edgier version of American Gladiators for the new millennium. The competitive show featured a number of colorful personalities battling each other as well as regular Joe contestants in high concept challenges for championships and cash prizes.
On the Nov. 6, 2000, Nitro, Battle Dome stars like Michael O'Dell and Bubba King had front row seats for the broadcast where they got into a confrontation with WCW stars like Rick Steiner and Diamond Dallas Page. Battle Dome was actually pretty awesome, but there was little interest in a rivalry between the two waning organizations. By the time Steiner showed up on the Battle Dome show to battle T-Money better known as actor Terry Crews the two groups were well on their way to entertainment obscurity.