I really wish feminism would be banned and any adherents of it would be ostracized, especially the doubly pathetic male feminists who are overthrowing other men to try to look better in a woman's eyes. Pathetic.
What's hilarious to me is these feminists stay crying about not being treated as equal and not wanting to be seen as 'damsels in distress', but when something happens, they are never screaming about where the other women, who they deem as equal to a man, are to help out... it's always why this or that man didn't do anything. And she's mad at men for 'sexualizing women' when they are the ones sexualizing themselves with 50,000 halfway naked pics on their instagram and facebook.
'Toxic masculinity' is another one of those terms liberals made up to play these lame word games to try to box you in to where if you disagree with their policies you are either a racist, a bigot or some other such similar term.