Terry Crews Tap Dancing (Official Thread)

May 30, 2014
Midwest/East Coast/Tx (Now in Canada)
I have nothing to be ashamed of, I am proudly black. This isn't about oppression Olympics, everyone knows we have it rough, and only a black man can understand the paradigm of being a black man. But to use your gay black man hiring point as some sort of argument is an absolute fukkING joke. Do you see how straight black dudes treat the gay black man on the reg... What they face? Many of them feel they do not have a place in the community and find confidence elsewhere. Do you think Obama would have been elected if gay? Get real dude. How many people hate straight black men for being straight? Let's not forget how no one cares when a black girl is raped or treated like shyt. Your stats (which aren't backed btw) are only half the story. If Terry thinks he can do better as a black man, then who am I to get butthurt over it? Sure he can go about it differently or better, but do not condemn me for spreading agenda or tactics when you are on the other side of the coin doing the exact same shyt with your talking points. Some of you rather double down than try to see life from any other lens but your own especially in your own communities...

Are we really using the black men get murdered more argument? I guess the fact that every man of every race is murdered more than their female counterparts must exempt the women of that race of the problems they face daily? :stopitslime:

There is nothing cold hard or factual about his statement, never did I say black men do not have blights or carry the weight of black people. But most of you are too fukking dense to exercise an ounce of empathy or understanding. The moment someone calls black men to action or calls on us to do better they are an enemy. Not saying Terry did it the right way, he's been mad suspect this entire week. But that post was nothing more than an observation of the hierarchy within the black community and nothing more, but you still get butthurt over it thinking "Nah we ain't doing anything wrong." Sounds like a great way to grow as an individual. :manny:
I have facts to back up my claims. Your smugness doesn't move anything here.
Do you have any data backing up all of these hypotheticals? Appeals to my emotion about the alleged treatment of behavioral groups...Not worthy of much thought other than: Who you sleep with is your business, not a cultural expression or reason to lobby.
An active distraction, and they're still BLACK MEN at the end of the day. Police don't see gay, they see black.
"bbbbbbut nobody cares when a black woman gets..."
Sexual Assault in the black community is a bi-directional problem that should be addressed.
Labeling the black man as a negro brute predator is a common trope and I won't tolerate the slander without pushback, so there goes your "whataboutism" layup, nikka. It's bad on BOTH sides and I know very personally.
Black men were up in arms about Kenisha, and that turned out not to be the case.
Black men were up in arms about this recent girl, and that turned out not to be the case.
I can continue forever and you can't quantify "lack of care". You have to downplay certain bad behaviors and magnify others to maintain a shaky narrative, and I'm hip to the game.
Women of all races use proxy violence to control men, I wonder how many black men died at the hands of another black man because of a "rape"?
Brian Banks lost his potential career as an NFL player and spent his best years in prison. She wasn't white.
Bootstraps rhetoric, classism, and buzzwords. Predictable rhetoric.
"Oppression olympics"
The main folks using that terminology are also the ones perpetuating them.
Black men are not at the top of any hierarchy. We are the subordinate male group in this area. Everywhere else is irrelevant, so don't move the goalposts.
Intersectionality is #thepattern of lies.
It has been debunked and it should be thrown away.
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Jan 13, 2015
We’re the ones for whom the first black president created an entire initiative to assist and uplift. We’re the ones whose beatings and deaths at the hands of the police galvanize the community in a way that the beatings and sexual assaults and deaths that those same police inflict upon black women do not. We’re the ones whose mistreatment inspired a boycott of the NFL despite the NFL’s long history of mishandling and outright ignoring far worse crimes against black women. We are the ones who get the biggest seat at the table and the biggest piece of chicken at the table despite making the smallest contribution to the meal.

This was written by a black man? I’m at a loss for words. Where do these guys get this nonsense from? Do they only know deadbeats and claim it’s us all?


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
:deadmanny: @ this list of Toxic Masculinity

notice how they slipped "wearing makeup" in there

I really wish feminism would be banned and any adherents of it would be ostracized, especially the doubly pathetic male feminists who are overthrowing other men to try to look better in a woman's eyes. Pathetic.
What's hilarious to me is these feminists stay crying about not being treated as equal and not wanting to be seen as 'damsels in distress', but when something happens, they are never screaming about where the other women, who they deem as equal to a man, are to help out... it's always why this or that man didn't do anything. And she's mad at men for 'sexualizing women' when they are the ones sexualizing themselves with 50,000 halfway naked pics on their instagram and facebook.

'Toxic masculinity' is another one of those terms liberals made up to play these lame word games to try to box you in to where if you disagree with their policies you are either a racist, a bigot or some other such similar term.


In high demand
May 2, 2012
:deadmanny: @ this list of Toxic Masculinity

notice how they slipped "wearing makeup" in there

:mjlol: at "Locker Room Talk" as if women don't talk about men's bodies with sexual lust and talk about it amongst each other. If I'm out and about and see a woman with a nice ass, I'm gonna look the same way a woman would look if she saw a shirtless man with sixpack abs on the street. And if I happen to be with a friend, I'm gonna turn to him and say "look at that chicks ass", there is nothing "toxic masculinist" about that.

Also lol at the part about "treating women as sex objects". As long as the sex is consensual,there is nothing wrong with gettin p*ssy when it's available. I wonder how she feels about women who "treat men as bank machines". :sas2:

Feminists are so full of shyt. I bet they don't consider it "toxic masculinity" when gay dudes have thier own "Locker Room Talk".:sas2:

The real definition of Toxic Masculinity is sexual violence and domestic violence. Everything else is just her wanting men to be feminized.


Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
Guess he had to dig in the crates to get those wenches in waiting on twitter back on his side,who he pissed off after cosigning that Rodriguez chick:mjlol:
Nothing thought provoking about that article,it just angers you as a black man being compared to the evil that is the white man.
While black men are major oppressors of black women,arguably taking the baton from white men.
You can't compare us to white men as our oppression of them is as a result of disfunction,created by europeans.
My only problem is righteous black men who know better, refusing to acknowledge that we are in fact oppressing black women at this point,and that we need to do something about it.
But comparing us to white men?I don't think so:martin:
How do we oppress black women? Black women are out gaining black men in damn near every statistic. Black men have no power over anyone in this country, and if a black woman wants to get away from a black man she can.

Grand Eeezus Maxwell

"Time is when, God....lounge!!"
Apr 30, 2012
Triple Six Mile
The funniest part about all of this is that feminists new favorite buzzword s “gaslighting”.

Gaslighting basically means mentally breaking down your counterpart to believe theyre unhinged or unstable.

This is essentially what black feminists are doing to us.

Exactly. No one ‘gaslights’ more than deezoes, and it’s not even close.


Mar 11, 2015
How do we oppress black women? Black women are out gaining black men in damn near every statistic. Black men have no power over anyone in this country, and if a black woman wants to get away from a black man she can.

Black men have no power?this is the problem with black men today,not realizing that we actually DO have power. Is our power the same as the eruopeans?no,which is why we can't oppress europeans. But we do have influence which is power lets not kid ourselves.Black men have arguably been the most influential group in the u.s.a in the past 50 years,and you say we have no power. Now what have we done with that power in the last 20yrs or so? We have used our influence and platforms to dehumanize and degrade the image of black women worldwide,effecting how others see her.Used our platforms to promote the continuation of colorism among our women,as well as promoting negative stereotypes of our women,while upholding "exoticals" lightskins and white women in positive lights. Having out of wedlock children,falling into european traps by going to prison and leaving our women in poverty to raise children and fend for themselves. These things don't sound like oppression because you as men only see oppression as what the white man is doing to black men,selfishly.So to you,if it ain't that then it aint oppression,but oppression comes in many forms.

Put it this way,Europeans will look at Muslims and accuse them of oppressing their women,while having a whole #Metoo culture,and all around culture of abuse of women ,and marginilizing women of every color of the rainbow:mjlol:.I bet you consider europeans distorting the image of the black man worldwide,and helping to create situations that leave us stuck in poverty as a form of oppression dont you? Black women are outgaining us in spite of us,because they aren't as oppressed by Europeans as us by design! Them getting assistance from europeans isn't proof black men aren't oppressing them,its just proof that Europeans have more power than black men in certain areas,and can bypass black men,and get to our women,using them as weapons against us as part of their plan.