Well the Sauds won't stop it.
The Iranians won't stop it.
So you know what? You don't want to leave it to the West to do it...because then ya'll will cry foul.
Okay let me try again... One one time. From what I gathered from the post I replied to from you is that you're essentially grouping all Muslims together and saying Islam is an "idea" of violence, but more importantly saying Islamophopia is essentially with dealing with Muslims. Like I said again these minority Muslim extremist ARE NOT the majority of Muslims. And Isamophabia doesn't help, but creates more chaos. Xenophobia in general creates more chaos. Those attackers during the Charlie Hebdo shooting back in January were all French born, yet xenophobia only fuels stuff like that!
Yes I believe modern Islam is very backwards in a way(Islam before was never like that) especially compared to the other two and yes I already said many times already that the general Muslim community should take more of a stance against these extremist, but Islamophobia isnt gonna help with shyt.
As for the last points.
1. I already explained to you my theories on Saudi Arabia funding these terror groups. So why bring them up???
2. Iran? Have you been living under a rock? Iran(especially as Shia's) who have been surrounding by Sunni enemies? Are you not aware that they have intervened in Iraq?
Iranian intervention in Iraq (2014–present) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
3. The West already doing it. What the heck is your point??? The point I was addressing was you basically making ALL Muslims the enemy which is destructive.