You comparing us to terrorists now?
Seriously get the fukk out of my face! i dont even know why anybody tolerates you on here with this foolish crap you say.
Are you fukking braindead

The hate and faulty logic you and your lot propagate on thecoli daily against non straight black distraught groups is right on the same line of the mentalities that lead to these attacks.
But no I'm the biggest fukking c00n on this site.
I'm such a c00n that I've been called a reverse racist and reffered to a a sjw by white men on other site's for calling out their racial ignorance and racism.
Such a c00n that I was almost punched in the face and then was threatened later by a white boy at my school for calling him out on his extreme nationlaism and racism.
Such a fukking c00n that when some white kid in my history class asked why black people are allowed to have colleges and not white kids I explained it to him and argued with him when he started making sly racial comments.
Such a fukking c00n that I refuse to use any racial jokes pertaining to any group.
Such a fukking c00n that I've educated more tha nten people on black history they didn't know about in their daily lives and have read up on black history since I was a child.
Such a fukking c00n that I argued with a racist/racially ignorant white kid in the house I live with now on police brutality when the other black kids didn't day shyt.
Such a fukking c00n that I went to see a Tim Wise lecture this week (not as if that's special or it means I agree with him completely or there can't be arguments thrown at him)
Such a fukking c00n that in psyh class last year I was the only black kid in the class who spoke out against a white kid trying to diminish the struggle Black people in Baltimore faced during the riots.
Such a fukking c00n that when I saw a freind post an ignorant comment on racial dynamics in America I took the time out of my day to set him straight.
Such a fukking c00n.
You're closer too a c00n than me troglodyte.
I'm not the one who calls black men ****** when they get angry and i'm not the one who propagates irrational bigotry and historical/sociological ignorance and a lack of perspective under the guise of an appropriate and logical response to racism and as a logical way to view the world and then tries to police people doing the same shyt as me or act disgusted when your type of logic leads to terrorist attacks.