"please don't change your profile pictures to the tricolours of a state that repeatedly bombs camps in somalia, villages in mali, hospitals in afghanistan and tests their nuclear bombs in the sahara dessert. france names bombs after these colours - gerboise bleue, gerboise blanche, gerboise rouge.
historically, france is considered the fourth largest colonizer in europe ravaging countless african nations. these are same colours that demanded haiti pay them 150 million francs (over 40 billion today) for destroying the plantations of slave owners during the revolution, putting haiti in centuries worth of debt.
today, they are the exporters of the most vile and violent islamophobia despite going into north and east africa. you can feel sad for those who lost their lives in paris without propping up the colours of a nation who has taken so many lives and continues to take so many lives through airstrikes in the global south. this selective outrage is yours. have at it. but know that so many of us are pained by your silence when baghdad is bombed. when falestine is bombed. when beirut is bombed. are these lives also not worth mourning? what is it about the lives of black and brown people that makes it so hard for you to mourn them?" - LaLi Mohamed
Via Chenthoori Malankov