Terrorist attack in Paris. 127 confirmed dead


Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012



Attacks in France have absolutely nothing to do with whats happening at colleges across the country but yet cacs have to make everything about us. I just don't get it. I really don't get the obsession.
These fukks always exposing their true nature

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
@1984 operating on tier 1 thinking...not understanding how The Great Game works
Oh no little one...i get it.

I actually protested the iraq war before it was even announced we would be invading in my freshman year of college in 2002.

Me being Nigerian and having family in countries that are affected by Western imperialism and violent diplomacy makes me unable to support this fully.

How would you feel livihg in a country where its military is killing your people?

Nah your the tier 0 thinker here. You are one of the worst people to argue with. You cant admit you are wrong...you refuse to listen to other points of view uou think you are right all the time and everyone else is wrong and you just don't get the bigger picture.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Oh no little one...i get it.

I actually protested the iraq war before it was even announced we would be invading in my freshman year of college in 2002.

Me being Nigerian and having family in countries that are affected by Western imperialism and violent diplomacy makes me unable to support this fully.

How would you feel livihg in a country where its military is killing your people?

Nah your the tier 0 thinker here. You are one of the worst people to argue with. You cant admit you are wrong...you refuse to listen to other points of view uou think you are right all the time and everyone else is wrong and you just don't get the bigger picture.
Did you ever think that its possible for me, a first generation black man, whose parents have seen how US imperialism works and who has a worldly perspective, to not only understand what you're saying, and agree with various aspects of it...and still support Westernism as it portends to my way of life, goals, and aspirations in the future of Black Americans?

You literally HAVE NOT said ONE SINGLE THING I don't know yet...or that I don't understand.

I get it.

I get it in more ways than I can ever recount on this single thread for you...you'd have to search my post history.

And I still do not agree with your conclusions or persuasions or goals.

I don't have to.

Do you understand this?

I support the West and I want to see a nation of 40 Million Black Americans take advantage of that fact.


Boricua Guerrero
May 6, 2012
Philly #ByrdGang #TPC

Ill engage you with a hypothetical.

Lets say you were in high school.

For three years straight...freshman year to junior year a group of bullies make your life hell for no reason whatsoever. Give you swirlies...beat you up...take your lunch money. And it makes you feel like shyt. Everyday.

So senior year...you decide you have had enough. They pissed you off to the point where you grab a gun bring it into school and shoot each and every single person that bullied you to death. As they sit minding their own business in the cafeteria.

Who provoked that situation? You were minding your own business and they made it their business to make your life miserable.

Its like you dont understand that people dont retailiate for no reason. Every cause has an effect.

wouldnt the analogy be more like you went in and killed a bunch of innocent student as revenge for a few bullies and by the way the initial victim escalated the situation astronomically


Sep 10, 2015
Dallas, Texas but living in Houston, Texas
The hatred @Napoleon has for muslims arabs middle eastern people is disgusting.

I read his posts and i really dont even believe he believes his own bullshyt.

Hes a white republican xenophobic hypocrite in a black mans body who claims to be liberal who claims to be pro black but is pro west which by definition is pro white who hates Christianity but hates islam more even though christianity has probably been responsible for more violence and chaos in the world than islam on a grand scale.

He cant be taken seriously no matter how many tweets he posts how many articles he googles and how big & bold he makes his texts.
I really don't think he's black. I've met plenty of right wing black folks and even they don't talk like him. He talks like he's a straight up caucasian.

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
You gotta drop this fantasy that black people in the US aren't Americans.

We're here.

And its our duty to steer this ship. We have just as much vested interest in Westernization than anywhere else. We have a unique history and thus future.

I'm not a second class citizen, so stop talking like we are.
When has this country ever acknowledged black americans as americans?

They ask us to assimilate....but dont let us assimilate.
Black people in the us have been at the mercy of this country since the transatlantic slave trade.
When the emancipation proclamation was announced and slaves were freed...methods were employed to keep the system going to keep black men and women as a source of free labor. Either through black codes, through the KKK, the runaway slave patrol (which would eventually become the police), through jim crow laws, segregation, rockefeller drug laws, gentrification to keep black people in America as a proverbial underclass.

Black men and women fought for this country in world war i...only to get killed in race riots by whites when they came home. And the same thing happened after world war ii.

White soldiers during peace time in WWII had thanksgiving dinners with nazi soldiers and excluded blacks period.

Whites did everything they could to shut black people from creating any sort of wealth. From when fdr proposed the new deal social services and welfare programs that blacks were shut out of to the creation of the first suburban neighborhoods where white soldiers were given tax incentives and deals on houses and black people were not allowed to even buy houses and denied any chance to even rent.

So you want to steer this ship...but they wont let you.

1/2 Man 1/2 Hennessy

Sep 5, 2015
Unique to Islam is the doctrine of 'jihad' which is essentially just war theory. Where do you see Abraham, Moses or Jesus advocating for a type of just war theory? Of course, Moses and Abraham did engage in violent actions and used the worship of Yahweh as their reasoning but it wasn't framed within a set ideology which could become exploitable centuries later.

Christian just war theory was developed long after the death of Jesus.
My nikka, Joshua was a fukkin warlord. According to the Old Testament God essentially instructed genocide on the Canaanite people. Laid the entire backbone of Judaic prophecy for them being the chosen people and that their nation is ordained by God. Moses fulfilled convents that was based on generational cursing and warfare against God's and the Hebrew people's enemies. King David, King Saul etc. all engaged in war that was symbolic in obedience to God. All the Judges and Kings who disobeyed led to Israel's punishment. This was adopted by the Crusaders on a large scale and on smaller scales in the Nile Valley, North Africa and Mesopotamia. Jihad is the literal struggle for Islam. That can be interpreted into a multitude of things. The Hajj is considered a struggle therefore classified as a form of jihad. Of course it can be exploited into being used for "just war" theory, but its not the entire purpose of the term.


Jul 15, 2013
6 Side.
I get it. You want some justice in the world. But breh, don't act like you lost someone in Paris due to the terrorist attack

no. But i'm a muslim. And i am sick and tired of ignorant, uneducated dumb motherfukkers that talk shyt about a religion of 1.7 bilion people.

muslims are terrorists yeah? 1.7 billion people are terrorists yeah? :camby:

if islam is a religion of hate and breeds this kinda stuff people says it does, then why the hell is this shyt not happening on the regular? are there not christians and other non-muslims living in muslim countries? why aren't they being slaughtered?

too many stupid people living in this world with a peanut of a brain to really understand what is going on in the world. White people especially. North America was originally inhabited by native indians, but what happened? crackers came from europe and uprooted them. Where are they now?

crackers came to africa and stole people from their native lands for their own greed and selfish purposes. Now all of a sudden they want the world to feel sympathy for em?

Don't get it twisted...whoever was behind these senseless attacks are not human and do not deserve to live on this earth...but at the same time, would there be a reason for this shyt to be happening if the white man stopped meddling in other peoples business? no.

you indian i'm assuming. Go look at your history on what the british did to your people.

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Did you ever think that its possible for me, a first generation black man, whose parents have seen how US imperialism works and who has a worldly perspective, to not only understand what you're saying, and agree with various aspects of it...and still support Westernism as it portends to my way of life, goals, and aspirations in the future of Black Americans?

You literally HAVE NOT said ONE SINGLE THING I don't know yet...or that I don't understand.

I get it.

I get it in more ways than I can ever recount on this single thread for you...you'd have to search my post history.

And I still do not agree with your conclusions or persuasions or goals.

I don't have to.

Do you understand this?

I support the West and I want to see a nation of 40 Million Black Americans take advantage of that fact.