this was an inside job? you have the proof?
No but I have a brain and I've been paying attention the past 15 or so years.
ISIS comes out of nowhere yet is an incredibly sophisticated, well-funded organization whose leader also comes out of nowhere and is allegedly linked to Mossad. They coincidentally oppose the Assad regime, a regime we've been trying to topple along with the Israelis.
The U.S. vaguely admits we've been funding "moderate groups" in the area which is really ISIS.
Here's the deal: it's a proxy war being waged against the Syrians who are being supported by the Russians
Why do you think we got mad because the Russians were supposedly bombing ISIS? I'll tell you why, because they're our guys.
This attack is going to be used to push for greater troop involvement in Syria.
The PM of France "We are at war."
Pretty fukking inflammatory statement.
What do you think 9/11 was? Do some critical thinking. Look at all the connections between the Bushes, the Bin Laden, Bin Laden's CIA connections, Al-Qaeda's CIA connections.