let me see your circumcised Cack please? Pm me.You didn't know? There is a handbook every white baby gets upon birth, it gives clear instructions on how to murder, subjugate and control the world, it's called the Cac'ran
let me see your circumcised Cack please? Pm me.You didn't know? There is a handbook every white baby gets upon birth, it gives clear instructions on how to murder, subjugate and control the world, it's called the Cac'ran
It's of average size and unimpressivelet me see your circumcised Cack please? Pm me.
i never said they werent there, i said an invasion isnt happening. the "whites" as you call them have been there for YEARS breh. stop acting like you're dropping knowledge.
It's of average size and unimpressive![]()
they are part of this earth..deal with it, marty!These allahu akbar savages gotta go![]()
But somehow we forgot about this:
147 killed in Kenya school attack, officials say - CNN.com
There's more sympathy in this thread for france than Kenya
Did any other country light thier buildings in Kenyan colors?![]()
and?My ancestors built this country.
I always wondered this do they body not blow up into a million pieces ? how do you quickly identify a suicide bomberAssailant in Paris attacks had Syrian passport and passed through Greek island of Leros: Greece official
The right wing media is going to have a FIELD day with this! Donald Trump just got him some more ammo!
You have a child w/ a crazy woman you stay in the relationship because you had a kid w/ her?
My point is...you dont even believe the shyt you are saying.
If you did...you wouldnt be
passport found at the scene?????
buildings around the world lighting up blue white and red?
this shyt is
you gotta be the dumbest uneducated american.
If you consider blacks to be a race Arabs are a race for sure then, and are considered as such in most the world.
Also, for some reason you think race problems are present everywhere in the world, even though you only really know america's race problems. Yet you think you're smart and fighting for the right cause writing ignorant shyt on an online board![]()