Link to the ISIL video please???
Bill speaking that real as usual
Have you ever heard of a country called germany? they mind their own businessThink about it, this is what Europe is bringing into their countries with all this refugee bullshyt.
Bill is a Zionist shill. He speaks who pays him....Israel.
"they" found a Syrian passport is equivalent to cops sprinkling crack on a "suspect" after killing them
Majority of the perpetrators of these atrocities are French citizens themselves. They have organized terrorist cells within France. They are comprised of young, disillusioned people who are easy targets for radicalization. It is almost counterintuitive for France to now go and attack Syria because French citizens with an affiliation to a Syrian organization are attacking France. But this is what is going to happen now. Attacks like this give France carte blanche to now go and attack Syria (or rather Isis in Syria). This is why I am skeptical of headlines such as, "terrorist found with Syrian passport" or "arrested terrorist says, I am with Isis".
Bill speaking that real as usual
I thought you were talking about the United States for a moment.watch the movie "la haine" (which means hate, the movie is from 1995 and things have only gotten worse since then) and read up on the kourachi brothers and amedy coulibaly, the terrorists responsible for the charlie hebdo attacks in january and you will know all there is to know about why these things happen. coulibaly grew up in a banlieu, watched his best friend get shot to death by the police at 19 for stealing a scooter, then went to prison after prison for armed robbery and selling drugs. he ultimately ended up at fleury-merogis, a prison notorious for breeding extremists, where he got radicalized by abou hamza, a recruiter closely associated with bin laden and met the kourachi brothers, with whom he ultimately carried out the attacks in january.
these are lost and traumatized brehs. they know from an early age that unless they have the talent to become an athlete or a rapper, they will stay in those fukked up banlieus they grew up in until they die, without hope of a steady job or any type of future. they get harrassed and brutalized by the police, watch their friends get killed by cops (november 2015 marks the ten year anniversary of the paris riots, which started because the police killed an underage banlieuzard) and develop hatred towards a society that doesn't accept them and won't give them a chance. they are looking for something to give them hope and an identity and that is what the extremists give them. brehs who never belonged anywhere are suddenly part of the muslim ummah and even if they won't ever amount to anything in the society that despises them and which they learned to hate, at least they can become a martyr and go down in a blaze of glory. in the end, they learned to stop burning down their own neighborhoods and hit society where it hurts instead. it's fukked up, but you can only ignore a social problem for so long until it comes back to haunt you. this shyt has been more than twenty years in the making.
@blackestofpanthers @Killer Instinctunless Europeans become Catholic-Christian again, ditch birth control, form stronger ties to their country, uphold family and morals, and erase the decadence of modern culture, say goodbye to the White Race and White Europe until then.