what will happen to all the refugees though?
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A strange message made the rounds at the weekend: The Senate would authorize the police to enter private homes to house refugees, even against the will of the owner. I thought only of satire, then on a misunderstanding, because the Basic Law, Article 13, says yes: ". The home is inviolable"
So I went on a search for the source of this strange message and found it.There is a "proposal", which was apparently scattered by the Senate Chancellery in the round of senators. As Senate Chancellery is called the expanded office of the mayor. Conductor Björn Böhning (SPD).
This "proposal" should lead to the universal law to protect public safety and order in Berlin (ASOG) is changed. In ASOG is regulated under § 36, when the police can not enter without a court order in a private apartment.In short, only "to avert imminent danger", so to prevent serious crimes and combat.
Said "proposal" adds the § 36 ASOG these new "paragraph 4" added: "The regulatory authorities and the police can enter to check the suitability for accommodation of refugees land, buildings or parts thereof without the consent of the owner, if the threat for the Prevention Homelessness is required. "
Clearly is here: The police can not enter private property without a court order in order to search for housing for refugees when these threatened homelessness. You can do that "without the consent of the owner". And not only the police should be allowed the, but also regulatory agencies.
This delicate "proposal" attracted little public attention. Only the Berlin FDP General Secretary Sebastian Czaja spoke up and spoke of an "open preparation for breach of the constitution". Internally, there should have been protests. The "Proposal" suddenly disappeared from the tables. Is he completely gone or he comes back?
I have much sympathy for the plight of the authorities. They are overwhelmed with the care of the refugees, whose number continues to rise. It is significant for how great the need is kept clearly that you drew up a legislative amendment.
If the distress but really should be as large, then we may the Governing Mayor Michael Müller (SPD) please come clean rather than prepare secretly and surreptitiously intrusion into private homes.
But Michael Müller conspicuous by its absence. In Parliament he is no government statement on the crisis. He also does not apply to citizens.Nor is it locally in the lodging. He is on dipping station. Here he had declared to accommodate the refugees a top priority.