How is it possible that he's a white dude yet relentlessly shyts any sort of widely accepted information because cacs did it?
Or is he a cac in the same way that, by coli logic, everyone on here is a cac or a c00n, crash bandic00n or cacc00n, one way or another?
wow depending on how high the O2 concentration was humans would have done poorly in that environment. We need more Nitrogen than O2. Too much O2 will cause atelectasis. Insects and humans arent the fukking same
Don't forget that we also breathe through our skin. About 1% of our oxygen intake is through our skin, that would increase with more oxygen in the atmosphere.
How is it possible that he's a white dude yet relentlessly shyts any sort of widely accepted information because cacs did it?
Or is he a cac in the same way that, by coli logic, everyone on here is a cac or a c00n, crash bandic00n or cacc00n, one way or another?
Lol nah. He used to post crazy racist shyt before. He used to actually attempt to defend his negged to oblivion and just became a full time troll.
He's mocking Coli brehs with the whole ''fukk cacs'' thing. Basically like TripleDarkHebrew whatever.
How do you know its skin texture? Its diet? Its hairiness? Tell me how you'd know? Ho would you know what kind of chemical defenses it had like a skunk etc.? How would you know what it eat on the norm.? How would you know the color of this creature? How would you know its behaviors? How would you know its enemies and/or allies? You can't know, so shut the fukk up.
Some of it is estimation, no doubt. On the other hand, you fukking retard, it's not entirely too difficult to deduce an overall fukking shape from the arrangement of the bone structure. It's not just bones that survived. Other bodily appendages are fossilized too and help in the deduction of the appearance. I mean, look at the fukking archaeopteryx. It could've looked like a fukking chicken, but from the feathers that were also fossilized, we know it was a sleeker avian specimen, with specialized tools for hunting. But you don't believe in that anyway because fossils are just tricks cleverly planted all over the fukking world, designed to fukk with idiots digging up shyt. White people love to fukk with people so they spent trillions of dollars to dig MILES underground and create fossil fuels in order to make money off it later. cac hustle is deep
The earth is also flat, 6,000 years old and immobile.
shyt, Jesus was Chinese and Muhammad the prophet listened to French Montana.
fukk it, Ghandi is the Buddha. He survived all these centuries only to have a militant Hindu coli member time travel and shoot his tikka masala eatin ass.
If you don't believe that, you're A SHEEP
shyt wait
if you do believe that, you're a sheep
which one is it?
You've sheepceptioned me
Allah praise the prophet @Amphibious
he's the closest thing to Jesus we have
How do you know its skin texture? Its diet? Its hairiness? Tell me how you'd know? Ho would you know what kind of chemical defenses it had like a skunk etc.? How would you know what it eat on the norm.? How would you know the color of this creature? How would you know its behaviors? How would you know its enemies and/or allies? You can't know, so shut the fukk up.
1. Fossils + looking at the skin textures of the species it evolved to.
2. Looking at the DNA of the content in its stomach plus teeth.
3. By looking at the fossils. Hair can get fossilised I think, you go google that.
4. Looking at the DNA, fossil and all that.
Stop asking dumb questions. Scientists have crazy good equipment plus knownledge that you or I wont aquire. Doesnt mean you should be this dumb tho
Lol nah. He used to post crazy racist shyt before. He used to actually attempt to defend his negged to oblivion and just became a full time troll.
He's mocking Coli brehs with the whole ''fukk cacs'' thing. Basically like TripleDarkHebrew whatever.
You know, trolls and narcissists online often turn out to be complete c*nts in real life. So he probably is an utter piece of shyt in person. It's sad really, that he has to seek entertainment from fukking with discussions online. I mean goddamn man is there nothing else to do?
You know, trolls and narcissists online often turn out to be complete c*nts in real life. So he probably is an utter piece of shyt in person. It's sad really, that he has to seek entertainment from fukking with discussions online. I mean goddamn man is there nothing else to do?
Don't forget that we also breathe through our skin. About 1% of our oxygen intake is through our skin, that would increase with more oxygen in the atmosphere.
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