Well, this is another case of officers not following rules.
There were multiple officers and they were working in plain clothes. It would have been easy to surround him before making contact to prevent an escape, if in fact, they had the right guy. I have been on multiple situations where we had to hook up someone who had an outstanding arrest warrant. We know there's a possibility that they want to escape and we know there's a possibility that the person is not there or we don't want to arrest the wrong person. Usually, if the person is going to run, they do it when they see us coming, or they try to run after contact is made. Because of this, we usually cut off escape routes with multiple officers way before we can be seen. And, sometimes, the suspect will give up and not resist arrest. No need to throw that person down.
It's a bad look.
The dude seems to be pro-police and knows that not all cops are like that, but these guys were the exception and he is expecting an apology.