Q 1. I start with drums pattern first and then dig for samplesWhat is your process? Do you listen to records and sample stuff and just go? Or do you have what I call a cookie jar full of samples youve collected that you go through?
Do you have a ratio, as in you get into a beat and it never really clicks so you throw that one away but the second or third one knocks and you go like 1/3 on the day or does everything you touch turn to gold or atleast get completed?
How do you know when your beats are done? Do you ever listen and have that thought like "I want to change this, or add that."
How often do you make beats? How long does an average beat take you? When do you think youve spent too long on one beat?
Q 2 If a beat doesn't click with me I just throw that bytch into the bushes
Q 3 since I use an old sampler I dont save shyt meaning tracking the beat out, at times I wish i would have saved some to add more to it.