600breezy specifically said "Dont come around here if youre not from here" that includes you white lady. I know you think this doesnt apply to you because you're white and white are not to be told what to do, but 600 thinks otherwise.
good for them, I bet if more hoods protected their hoods and ran them out, they would have control over these new apartments. take advantage of the city finally cleaning things up, dont just let them fix it (finally) then push you out for some white folks.
you think black folks can just move into an all white neighborhood or latino hood in droves without repercussion? black folks always gotta get the cops called on them or their driveway tagged with "******" for wanting to live in their neighborhoods, but alas, when it comes to the reverse, cops wanna be on high alert protecting and serving. nah. let them run them out, its been their block, the city should have been helped clean it, dont just clean it now because you want white tenants to move in. when Ms Gladys had her window broken 3 years ago it wasnt on the news, now Kimberly gets her window busted its all over the news. kinda shyt is that.
600 do your thing. bout to download the edai mixtape right now, hope breezy mixtape rap about how they busted this woman window over a young chop beat.