dc live action is largely terrible with even its best charactersI disagree. There's been a strong animated presence with Teen Titans, Young Justice included, for 21 years. I don't think another animated film is what they need. Theres also been a multiverse Teen Titan movie.
Its good to set up the next generation of heros for the future. Marvel is coming out with the Young Avengers for this reason except we don't really care about them besides a few characters. Teen Titans could have all the kids and in the future they can become the replacements.
If I'm wrong someone correct me, but I think the Teen Titans are more popular than the Justice League among young people. I'm sure they'd want to watch a live action film if its good. I also think once Tom Holland stops being Spider-Man they'll have Miles Morales as the MCU Spider-Man for awhile.
James Gunn is at the helm now. So things at DC are probably headed in a better direction.dc live action is largely terrible with even its best characters
why on earth is anyone excited for the throwingshytatthewall phase they're currently in with this one? they already had a shot with cyborg too
dc live action is largely terrible with even its best characters
why on earth is anyone excited for the throwingshytatthewall phase they're currently in with this one? they already had a shot with cyborg too
I think some people on here are underestimating how popular these characters are. People enjoy these characters because of Titans 2003, Teen Titans GO, and Young Justice.,
Relying on nostalgia has gotten these comic book movies in trouble because these aren’t direct translation of those versions of characters.Facts them shows went through two generations(millennials and gen z) and still has a massive fanbase. That 2003 show alone introduced non comic book heads. To characters like Beast Boy, Cyborg, Raven, Starfire, and Deathstroke. People today are still asking for a continuation of that 2003 show. People also been asking for this, a live action Static Shock, and Batman Beyond. These movies done right should be an easy layup for DC. Y’all acting like a live action judas contract wouldn’t be dope af.
D!ck (Nightwing) & Kori (Starfire) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Relying on nostalgia has gotten these comic book movies in trouble because these aren’t direct translation of those versions of characters.
We already know Damien is the Robin in Brave and the Bold. Damien and Starfire ain’t happening
Relying on nostalgia has gotten these comic book movies in trouble because these aren’t direct translation of those versions of characters.
We already know Damien is the Robin in Brave and the Bold. Damien and Starfire ain’t happening
Y’all smoking crack if you think a teen titans movie done right would flop.
Marvel planting seeds of the young avengers. DC already planning a young hero squad in their first chapter of films.WDYM?
My point is that if Damien is the current Robin then wouldn’t that mean dikk is already Nightwing and hence not a Teen Titan?I agree on the nostalgia part but no one is asking for Damien and Star. Star belongs to the homie Nightwing.
Uh, from what I'm seeing, no one really cares about the Young Avengers. Marvel shouldn't be banking on that lol.Marvel planting seeds of the young avengers. DC already planning a young hero squad in their first chapter of films.