was a youngin back thennikka you just put "smartenup"and had the nerve to say you was paying half of $500/$600 for a fukkin coat!?
was a youngin back thennikka you just put "smartenup"and had the nerve to say you was paying half of $500/$600 for a fukkin coat!?
This is what happens when you have a criminal sympathizing society that coddles thugs.
i dont really keep track, but when did chief keef become a millionaire? i could swear that when the experts in The Booth broke it down it turned out he was a broke motherfuker that was about to get dropped, did The Booth accountants get it wrong?
Not that this is relevant, but is it true that 90% of Israel's prison population is black?Excellent rebuttal as always.
Are you a scholar?![]()
Not that this is relevant, but is it true that 90% of Israel's prison population is black?
I mean seriously, What are the stats on the demographics?Yes, and the security guards are Klansmen![]()
I mean seriously, What are the stats on the demographics?
You really can't clown a figure if you don't know for sure that it's not true. I asked you what the percentage was.I don't know. It will go back to being an insignificant amount when the illegals workers get deported (and the refugees granted citizenship stay). 90% is quite a figure there though (that was very funny).
You really can't clown a figure if you don't know for sure that it's not true. I asked you what the percentage was.
In any regards,.
Goons are not smart rapbeats...that's why they're goonslike i said. he's a dumb goon. goons die quick, goons eventually get dealt with. goons go to jail a lot. while some soft looking thief is out on them streets living to see another day.
i never understood the true reason for making someone run their stuff. its to hard to do that and really make up a legit come up. when you can steal the same stuff from the store. wait on the delivery guy delivering the merchandise. now thats someone you run. mask on and go on about your business. you would never get caught unless you talked to much or tried to sale to much of the same stuff in the same area. i mean with ebay nowadays and other shady online ways to move stuff and get paid. please. its stealers heaven right now. so it takes a real idiot to pull his gun out on some non gun toting dude and actually bust it. you are really stupid.
I'm saying...I'm sure some people descended from kings but I'm guessing the majority of us descended from a fukking goat herder or a soldier taking the spoils of war.man stop that lol
if you wanna go the, "you keep going far back in time, we all originate from a king somewhere" route…I can dig…
but I'm African. I did not originate from a king. So I REFUUUUUSE to hear muhfukkas tell me this "I'm a king shyt" when they can't even tell me what part of Africa they come from.
Can we also stop that lie too? How is that allowed to be said in front of people who are LITERALLY OFF THE BOAT from Africa lol
Edit: figure of speech cause we obviously have to fly here![]()
that coat is hideous
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resolution_3379I don't know what the percentage is in Russian prisons, but if someone told me 90% black I would laugh just as hard.