You've to prove the bolded. Most of the super successful men, in my knowledge, were married when they reached the top. You don't reach the top at 25.
Success always comes with sacrifice, married or not. That's a non-issue. You have to sacrifice a lot of things. Everything is a recipe for divorce with women nowadays.
Buffett. Divorced. Didn’t pay attention to his wife.
Gates. Married later.
Jobs. Married later.
Musk. Divorced multiple times.
Branson. Married later.
Marc Cuban. Married later.
Robert Smith. Married later.
Byron Allen. Married later.
Jay-Z. Married later.
Russell Simmons. Married later.
Diddy. Never married.
Tyler Perry. Lol. Never mind.
It’s not always true. You got dudes who were involved in deep serious relationships since their early 20s but there’s a trend of these types either delaying marriage or if married having serious strains in the marriage due to them working to reach their goals.