its just human nature once people start aligning themselves with teams or movements that its just a bunch of group think and everyone just protects their leaders even when they end up not being philosophically consistent then the group just defends like sheep or is only outraged at what their team tells them to be outraged about
George Bush does stuff with wiretaps liberals cry bloody murder...Obama does it "he's playing chess breh's"
Chris Christie acts against free markets by being bought by car dealer lobbies and fukks Tesla over...republicans "fukk Tesla and the hippies that drive them"
i've been alive long enough to see the cycles change and realized everybody is just full of shyt
Im not particularly interested in some expansive debate on the nature of political partisanship; especially when you're using it to deflect from the fact that you're parroting misleading numbers and statistics in order to sooth the partisan bruising of your leadership. If you want to discuss the actual topic, and the respective numbers involved then coo'. If not...k.i.m.