As long as he's wearing the red jersey, he's still a QB
I would love to see dude in open space. They need to move him to H-Back.
Anyway, why am I talking football to you? You're just going to pervert shyt to unrelated shyt.
Well he's a backup QB who you want to see in open space, how silly does that sound?
We need to bring a REAL back up into camp.
I'm sure Belichick is shaking in his boots right now
A backup QB who is now gonna play TE!
shyt is a joke, 3 ring barum and baileys.
Reb... You're better than this..
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
All this and the Jets will still have an offense that's just them ending up kicking a 40 yard field goal just to score anyway, but hey do you Jets.
Better than what?
I've been asking for the Jets to use him this way days after the trade.
I think my football acumen is good enough to know that he's a good enough football to have on the field BEYOND......WAY BEYOND...playing QB.
That's what i`m saying, you're risking your #2 QB out there
risking? There's risk involved with this?
Your football acumen tells you that, but why? When was he playing any type of receiver against NFL coverage?
That's your interpretation. When I use that word, it means that a player that can be used in a multitude of football ways.That whole "he's a good football player" is a fancy way of saying "He's a bad QB", b
But you can stick to your thoughts. Just don't paste that "you've obviously never played football in your life" way of talking football onto me.