#TeamStark or #TeamCap concept art for Captain America:Civil War

Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
There is only one team.



A Pound & A Prayer
Jun 22, 2013
London, UK
You acting like making superhero's register is a bad idea or something. IT's not a totally indefensible stance.

In the grand scheme of things, a register of every superhero's real identity has more room for corruption and danger than it does for protecting people. As @ORDER_66 said already, you could have a Hugo Strange-esque situation occur where that register is stolen and that information is sold to the highest bidders. The danger extends to loved ones and family members in that instance and not just the superheroes.

Dirty Mcdrawz

Your girl loves em....
May 3, 2012
Nah dude, you have to make your secret identity public on a registration list.... :what: Do you know what kind of implications would happen if all the bad guys found out who you was?!?! Did you read the civil war comic... there's a reason it's called a SECRET identity... nikkas came after spiderman hard, all the criminals he put away in prison. He couldnt hide his face anymore. All the shyt he did as spiderman came back at him full throttle...

Just imagine being hunted with little to no protection, your family, your friends will be Greenlit, and you know what's the worst is that it's not even regular criminals it's the supervillan ones too. you'll never have a moments rest or sleep...

Plus the fact remains, during that time cap didnt trust the govt' at all... putting it in their hands was an entirely bad idea... Alot of superheroes dont have starks money or security... at the end of the day...

Can you just imagine if the ENTIRE world found out Batman was secretly Bruce Wayne??? :what: The Audacity of it all sickens me...

But on the other hand you have super heroes not even giving a fukk about the public safety. Can you imagine the real world implications of a super brawl? The death and public destruction they cause and aren't accountable for? Them fighting off an alien invasion is one thing, but throwing some random bank robber car through a coffee shop is :mindblown:. Think about the damage that happens during a high speed chases or shoot out and add people who shoot lasers from their eyes.


May 7, 2012
You acting like making superhero's register is a bad idea or something. IT's not a totally indefensible stance.
The way he went about it was the problem . With arresting heroes and using the thunderbolts like bullseye to hunt them down and then put them in a special prison , while cloning Thor . He went full fascist in the civil war


Jul 16, 2013
I hope he gets that work from spiderman as well. I never liked ironman and loathed him from avengers disassembled to dark reign.

hopefully spidey giving him that work means he gave spidey that iron spider suit and we get to see that on screen....that suit was dope as fukk.....


Rebirth is upon Us 2025
Feb 2, 2014
But on the other hand you have super heroes not even giving a fukk about the public safety. Can you imagine the real world implications of a super brawl? The death and public destruction they cause and aren't accountable for? Them fighting off an alien invasion is one thing, but throwing some random bank robber car through a coffee shop is :mindblown:. Think about the damage that happens during a high speed chases or shoot out and add people who shoot lasers from their eyes.

they even answered THAT question at the end of the civil war... theres a valid reason that cap was so against the govt getting a registered list of heroes...

The War on Terror
While fighting terrorists in the US, Cap was again forced to take a life to save others, killing terrorist leader al-Tariq. Hoping to discourage counterattacks on the USA, Cap unmasked before the world to give an individual face to al-Tariq’s death.

When the Avengers helped contain the toxic Red Zone disaster that killed hundreds of Americans, Cap traced the Zone’s creation to US Secretary of Defense Dell Rusk, actually the disguised Red Skull, having infiltrated the government once more. Although his imposture was exposed, another of the Skull’s projects lived on in a new government-backed team of proactive Invaders, with USAgent as field leader. Disgusted by the needless violence of the group’s international activities, Cap was all the more discouraged when Namor joined USAgent’s efforts.

Drawn into more government conspiracies while helping Falcon, Cap encountered his latest Super-Soldier imitator, the Anti-Cap, whom Cap tried but failed to save from further government manipulation. He also grew alienated from Sharon Carter over her involvement with the anti-mutant Project: Contingency. When Thor’s home dimension was threatened by Ragnarok, Cap and Iron Man accompanied him to battle Asgard’s enemies, but Thor ultimately returned them to Earth rather than risk their lives, and he seemingly perished soon afterward. Back on Earth, when a supposedly reformed and no longer disfigured Zemo regained leadership of the Thunderbolts, Cap’s distrust of Zemo helped spark a brutal Avengers-Thunderbolts clash during which Zemo was hideously scarred anew while shielding Captain America.

More on Marvel.com: http://marvel.com/universe/Captain_America_(Steve_Rogers)#ixzz3ZCTCTcAi



Rebirth is upon Us 2025
Feb 2, 2014
Casualty of the Civil War

When the US government passed a Superhuman Registration Act (SHRA) requiring all super heroes to register for government service, Iron Man aggressively championed the new law. Cap’s requests for review of the legislation were ignored, and he went rogue rather than hunt down rebellious heroes. A “Civil War” divided the super-hero community as heroes sided either with Iron Man’s government-sanctioned forces or Cap’s underground resistance, the “Secret Avengers.” Zemo’s Thunderbolts worked for Iron Man, but Zemo secretly assisted Cap as well, finally convincing Cap that he had at least some potential to reform; Zemo even restored Cap’s personal mementos, the same ones he had destroyed long ago. During the civil war’s final battle, Cap’s forces were on the verge of victory when he noticed that ordinary emergency workers such as firefighters, paramedics and nurses were siding with Iron Man’s team. Horrified at the realization that the common people opposed his position, Cap opted to end the destructive conflict by surrendering to the authorities. Most of the anti-registration movement soon collapsed without his leadership. Following his arrest, a scheme orchestrated by the Red Skull, Arnim Zola, Dr. Faustus and others culminated with Cap’s assassination by a brainwashed Sharon Carter, who shot him at point-blank range.

More on Marvel.com: http://marvel.com/universe/Captain_America_(Steve_Rogers)#ixzz3ZCUNBLDW


May 7, 2012
But on the other hand you have super heroes not even giving a fukk about the public safety. Can you imagine the real world implications of a super brawl? The death and public destruction they cause and aren't accountable for? Them fighting off an alien invasion is one thing, but throwing some random bank robber car through a coffee shop is :mindblown:. Think about the damage that happens during a high speed chases or shoot out and add people who shoot lasers from their eyes.
In theory it would work but they had no way to protect the heroes identities from villians and it was join or go to superhero jail . A better solution would be training heroes ( like he did in the comics ) I mean in mcu he creates ultron ( I didn't watch it yet ) which creates a shytload of damage and he didn't put himself in jail did he ?? It's easy for someone like stark to say register as he has no secret identity but a guy like daredevil is now facing reprisal from all the street level criminals

Dirty Mcdrawz

Your girl loves em....
May 3, 2012
they even answered THAT question at the end of the civil war... theres a valid reason that cap was so against the govt getting a registered list of heroes...

The War on Terror
While fighting terrorists in the US, Cap was again forced to take a life to save others, killing terrorist leader al-Tariq. Hoping to discourage counterattacks on the USA, Cap unmasked before the world to give an individual face to al-Tariq’s death.

When the Avengers helped contain the toxic Red Zone disaster that killed hundreds of Americans, Cap traced the Zone’s creation to US Secretary of Defense Dell Rusk, actually the disguised Red Skull, having infiltrated the government once more. Although his imposture was exposed, another of the Skull’s projects lived on in a new government-backed team of proactive Invaders, with USAgent as field leader. Disgusted by the needless violence of the group’s international activities, Cap was all the more discouraged when Namor joined USAgent’s efforts.

Drawn into more government conspiracies while helping Falcon, Cap encountered his latest Super-Soldier imitator, the Anti-Cap, whom Cap tried but failed to save from further government manipulation. He also grew alienated from Sharon Carter over her involvement with the anti-mutant Project: Contingency. When Thor’s home dimension was threatened by Ragnarok, Cap and Iron Man accompanied him to battle Asgard’s enemies, but Thor ultimately returned them to Earth rather than risk their lives, and he seemingly perished soon afterward. Back on Earth, when a supposedly reformed and no longer disfigured Zemo regained leadership of the Thunderbolts, Cap’s distrust of Zemo helped spark a brutal Avengers-Thunderbolts clash during which Zemo was hideously scarred anew while shielding Captain America.

More on Marvel.com: http://marvel.com/universe/Captain_America_(Steve_Rogers)#ixzz3ZCTCTcAi

I don't disagree that there weren't valid reason against the registration. I'm just saying there's also valid reasons for the registration. Furthermore cap's distrust of the government while valid is :mindblown: considering the fact how super heroes flip into super villains at a drop of a hat, but that's ok as long as you plant yourself by the river of truth while ignoring your truth may be on the wrong side of the river. Quite frankly cap has shown many times he's an hypocrite(avengers vs xmen and the incursions are the most recent ones).


Rebirth is upon Us 2025
Feb 2, 2014
I don't disagree that there weren't valid reason against the registration. I'm just saying there's also valid reasons for the registration. Furthermore cap's distrust of the government while valid is :mindblown: considering the fact how super heroes flip into super villains at a drop of a hat, but that's ok as long as you plant yourself by the river of truth while ignoring your truth may be on the wrong side of the river. Quite frankly cap has shown many times he's an hypocrite(avengers vs xmen and the incursions are the most recent ones).

I didnt read AvsX.... :troll:
Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
Nah dude, you have to make your secret identity public on a registration list.... :what: Do you know what kind of implications would happen if all the bad guys found out who you was?!?! Did you read the civil war comic... there's a reason it's called a SECRET identity... nikkas came after spiderman hard, all the criminals he put away in prison. He couldnt hide his face anymore. All the shyt he did as spiderman came back at him full throttle...

Just imagine being hunted with little to no protection, your family, your friends will be Greenlit, and you know what's the worst is that it's not even regular criminals it's the supervillan ones too. you'll never have a moments rest or sleep...

Plus the fact remains, during that time cap didnt trust the govt' at all... putting it in their hands was an entirely bad idea... Alot of superheroes dont have starks money or security... at the end of the day...

Can you just imagine if the ENTIRE world found out Batman was secretly Bruce Wayne??? :what: The Audacity of it all sickens me...

Yall thinking about it from a comic book perspective. In the THE REAL WORLD. nobody's name is redacted because of the good deeds they do. If you want to find the names of every police officer, fireman, soldier, they are out there. You can go down the list from The President of the US and downward, and find out who the hell they are. You telling me we shouldn't know the identity of a motherfukkers that can run at the speed of light simply because "they are one of the good guys" stop it.