aka bx_representer
he might not be the smartest guy, or even have a lot of heart, but

he might not be the smartest guy, or even have a lot of heart, but
Lol at people saying Vince Young is batter than Tavaris Jackson. Tavaris was a starter last year, while Vince Young shyt the bed against a beatable Seahawks team. He is an upgrade.
Seems like you're the only one who would, good thing you're not a GM.
Sanchez could start for about 8 other teams, VY can't even backup for many.
true but compared to jackson well shyt i dunno cause jackson wasn't that bad in minny
You nikkas is wylin in here!
woah woah woah i said he wasn't that bad you make it seem like i compared him to warren moon
The nikka is GARBAGE!
I watched every Viking game since A.D. has been in the league..
Trust me.
Lol, I might get irrational in my love of blacks QBs sometimes, but I sincerely believe Young is AT WORST a decent Quarterback. Dude won a lot of game with the Titans