Let me guess he's your father too?
Youse a dumb ass nikka...I was actually stating that chump Tariq (your father figure) could never sit at the table with those men....but I forgot you're a sensitive Tariq dikksucker/rider like many other lames on here...
So fuk you and your report nikka... I'm a grown man like is that shyt supposed to hurt?
@Big Boda (BFM) nikka I'm far from an
immigrant. I'm a natural authentically born black American man but unlike you I'm not a Tariq dikksucker/worshiper. I actually can speak for myself without riding another nikkas nuts. Ole fakket ass Trump supporting nikka.
@No Sleep &
@Wiseborn fuk you both of you fatherless clown ass nikkas....go back to riding that coward ass YouTuber y'all both love to slobber...fuk you and y'all daddy