You’re not suggesting that Brother Malcolm X delinated are you?most of you didn’t even have a concept of us being a “specific” ethnicity or lineage nor the social awareness to recognize the discrepancy or importance of of it. You were just fine being “regular black” or “just black”
The main reason why you misinterpret this as “American nationalism “ A lot of you have low cultural self esteem so it’s not important to harbor a specific identity for yourselves. You were fine being in a “blanket black” LALAland
Fba disrupted that peace for dodo bird negros and you guys are upset
Also it’s not clear if Malcolm would be pro fba. But he was already calling out Africans in America and how they were treated vs black Americans in his time. If blacks in the sixties saw the amount of disrespect we as black Americans in recent times had to deal with. I’m pretty sure all that “mama africa” bullshyt would have took a nose dive. Malcolm would most definitely be “fba leaning” if not full on, today
The Man’s mother was Grenadian.