Tariq and Tommy Sotomayor are cut from the same cloth and share many of the same views.
Tariq is a race-baiter, which overshadows his other work. Race-baiting is disingenuous, ignorant and irresponsible. He's also a misogynist and uses derogatory and objectifying language to refer to, not only women but other black individuals, the entire black race, as well as those individuals and groups of other racial identities.
He might be AN ELDER for street pimping/hustling culture, but that's about it. His documentarywork and partnerships with other black-owned businesses are purely capitalist in nature and of self-interest with no genuine and legitimate motive of black economic liberation orindependence for black people as a group. This correlates with his linguistic objectification of Blacks. He offers no true organizationbehind his suggestions of acting against the system.
His suggestion for reparations is clearly individualized self-interest and his intelligence is built, solely, around hustling, pimping, and exploitation.