Take of this what you will :
95% of female pornstars and 80% of the newer male pornstars are MK ultra programmed sex slaves.
Its why they're able to do what they do. No woman is that degenerate and depraved.
Porn, particularly hardcore actually makes no sense. Think about it logically. Its actually far worse than prostitution for many reasons. Its sick, disgusting and twisted and most of the pornstars look drugged out of their mind, because they are. So even on a 2 dimensional level, a logically thinking person should know something is up with those girls.
On a 3 dimensional level, Pornstars get put under the beta sex kitten aspect of the programming and have had their minds fragmented since birth to create 'multiple personalities'. Their programming is a bit different from what your average disney star is put under, since these are used purely for sex.
Most US born pornstars have their bodies tattooed (branded) with common MK ultra triggers : flowers/roses {most common}, butterflies, ribbons, birds, kittens/cat references, dreamcatchers. I can go on and on with examples of different types of brandings. Its the same way in ancient times, the Romans used to brand their slaves.
Monarch programmed porn stars DO NOT get paid. They don't understand the concept of money because their lives are a Truman show and they have multiple personalities competing with one another.
Its basically modern day slavery and its far worse, since very few, only the arcane, know what is going on. Marilyn Monroe was the 1st high profile celebrity under this sort of programming so they've been doing this for almost 100 years now and they keep 'improving' on it.
Porn in the US and in many countries across the world is being controlled by government bodies behind the scenes, believe it or not. Russia is also big into it in Europe. I believe they started to develop this stuff as far back as World War 1. To be able to control a flesh and blood human, hidden in plain sight.
PS : This is not a conspiracy theory , this is a sad reality. There are declassified documents on the MK ultra program.