EXACTLY this little hit piece on Kanye is once again proof Tariq is a scammer who has no real convictions, just jumps on whatever bandwagon works for his content.Tariq is an anti black fakkit like Kanye..
One tragic c00n acting holier than thou and using the downfall of another c00n to act like he's above or morally superior when he's just as dangerous.
Tariq was THE patron saint of political "free thinking" right wing adjacent, GOP ass kissing c00nery. Dude is on record saying Trump is better for black people than Biden, and he'd vote Herschel Walker over Warnock.
The only difference is Kanye is at least dumb and cocky enough to think he can add anti semitism to the mix of his free thinking rebellion against the mainstream. Tariq knows better and serves his white masters well keeping his attacks only towards liberals and Dempcrats, Africans, and all other demographics in America associated with liberals.
But otherwise these two guys are peas in a pod. Spreading right wing propaganda to black people, getting us to not vote so white people can decide elections, entire politics is built around helping advance the Republican Party while undermining black unity, black activism, and black political power in America. Under this slimey guise of having some otherworldly black political philosophy. Second only to Candace Owens herself as the leader of the "free thinker-leave the Democrat party" black conservative blexit c00n movement.
Kanye gets caught up in it. Internalized all the "youre thinking for yourself by being contrary to Democrats" rhetoric because he's one of many fools that think this right wing propaganda is genuine and insightful. And makes an absolute disgrace of the "free thinker anti Democrats" new black. Hes every bit the mouthpiece for white supreemacists he claimed immigrants are, so he can't go with that shtick here. Now dude is tryna make a slow pivot black to being Mr. Leftist black man getting at the black conservative Republican c00ns. No consistency, conviction or integrity. Whatever keeps his audience. What a total bytch.