Tariq is Debating Jared Taylor Live


Nov 12, 2014
I don't see a winner here. This is like debating Neely Fuller. Neely will never debate you. He will just answer your questions with the reality of the situation but he will go into the logic of the white supremacist. Jared isn't going to go into logic. He will go into the data and say why is this if this is that. This is where Tariq is right in his take but you can't answer any of these questions without addressing white supremacy. You can't debate a Jared Taylor. He's not there to debate. He's there to deflect to typical white supremacist data points and when you bring up the reality. He will just jump to his next subject. I don't see a winner. Tariq couldn't win. Jared couldn't win. Ultimately, I don't think anyone Black would win as white supremacists like Taylor are like fukk logic. Taylor wasn't even trying to win. He will just directing the convo.

I didn't like it for obvious reasons. It basically is a lie for Jared to be dishonest the way he was about what led to the data.

so.... the audience is stupid then ..?

Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
so.... the audience is stupid then ..?

Yes, that is WHITE SUPREMACY by design, deflect...

The crime talking point is so lame, tariq did pretty poorly overall..

Chicago can easily be debated especially since it's built on Italian mobsters strong arming government for power.


Nov 12, 2014
None of them would have stood a chance. Jason said it best. You can't debate someone who thinks like Jared Taylor and he personally said he wouldn't debate Jared. It's not possible as they remove all reason and focus on data from HIS perspective. This is how Yvette would get killed. I will be honest, Jared Taylor is not debatable. I am saying that as someone who used to debate everyday for years in my youth.

Tariq is right. White supremacy does dominate China. China can operate within white supremacy but they can't topple it the way they want. The way we all want to. To say otherwise goes v. all reality that we see in Chinese behavior today.

The purpose of a debate is NOT necessarily to convince the other person.
When did this WS start?


Nov 12, 2014
Yes, that is WHITE SUPREMACY by design, deflect...

The crime talking point is so lame, tariq did pretty poorly overall..

Chicago can easily be debated especially since it's built on Italian mobsters strong arming government for power.

The audience is (potentially) everyone right..? If 'everyone' is stupid then the least stupid WS's manipulating everyone are 'supreme' right?

Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
The audience is (potentially) everyone right..? If 'everyone' is stupid then the least stupid WS's manipulating everyone are 'supreme' right?


Let's start from the beginning

You have a live stream of 20k people mostly white,

You have a guy named "baked alaska" who lives in alaska posing with a gun in his profile pic.

His close group are people like Lauren "Southern" and other whites with screen names that similarly touch of the subject of white analition.

You have a guy named Jared Taylor who's main talking point is "IQ" and tries to debate based off the fact that "blacks" are inferior" to other races...

1. What type of audience is most likely to join the live stream and subscribe to these videos?

2. What is going to be used as the main talking point by Jared Taylor and baked alaska to affirm to their audience how blacks are inferior?

The key word here is dislike or hate for blacks, this is why the live stream was filled with stereotypical of hateful nonsense like "We wuz kangs" or "Look at the crime in chicago...

White supremacy is based of the idea that whites are superior because they have less crimes than blacks and do better educationally.

Black women are the highest percentage of degree grads these days, regardless of what they major in, they start and complete school.

These same white supremacist have a asian fetish usually "Richard Spencer" comes to mind.

White supremacy is based off hate, HATE is a form of religion, religion is a form of government.

CONTROL is the key word here.

HATE brings them together, this is fact.

When they lose, they deflect , this is fact.

The audience is these streams is about as credible as a late night talk show with the fake laughing....

Tariq knows he's not going to win against those odds, this is a paycheck, nothing more, nothing less....

Jared Taylor like most white supremacist really lack logic and good debating skills...

All these people watch fox news for stats of blacks and crime and education....

Bill O left, Tucker stepped in....

It's a system


Nov 12, 2014

Let's start from the beginning

You have a live stream of 20k people mostly white,

You have a guy named "baked alaska" who lives in alaska posing with a gun in his profile pic.

His close group are people like Lauren "Southern" and other whites with screen names that similarly touch of the subject of white analition.

You have a guy named Jared Taylor who's main talking point is "IQ" and tries to debate based off the fact that "blacks" are inferior" to other races...

1. What type of audience is most likely to join the live stream and subscribe to these videos?

2. What is going to be used as the main talking point by Jared Taylor and baked alaska to affirm to their audience how blacks are inferior?

The key word here is dislike or hate for blacks, this is why the live stream was filled with stereotypical of hateful nonsense like "We wuz kangs" or "Look at the crime in chicago...

White supremacy is based of the idea that whites are superior because they have less crimes than blacks and do better educationally.

Black women are the highest percentage of degree grads these days, regardless of what they major in, they start and complete school.

These same white supremacist have a asian fetish usually "Richard Spencer" comes to mind.

White supremacy is based off hate, HATE is a form of religion, religion is a form of government.

CONTROL is the key word here.

HATE brings them together, this is fact.

When they lose, they deflect , this is fact.

The audience is these streams is about as credible as a late night talk show with the fake laughing....

Tariq knows he's not going to win against those odds, this is a paycheck, nothing more, nothing less....

Jared Taylor like most white supremacist really lack logic and good debating skills...

All these people watch fox news for stats of blacks and crime and education....

Bill O left, Tucker stepped in....

It's a system

And let's end at the end. Millions of people will see those videos. You are arbitrarily limiting the audience.

Bunchy Carter

I'll Take The Money Over The Honey
May 19, 2014
Triple O.G. Bunchy Carter
Tariq won.

I find it interesting that all the white supremacist on baked alaska side said jarred won, but you come over here and you see people saying Tariq lost. Ummm thats kinda fishy on thecoli side:patrice:

I also find it funny when baked alaska starts talking jarred gets a little figgity and shows body language of a person getting irritated @ 1:18:00

Bunchy Carter

I'll Take The Money Over The Honey
May 19, 2014
Triple O.G. Bunchy Carter
I found it funny when baked alaska asked tariq if he trolling and jarred jumped in and said no he's serious and jarred was not laughing @ 1:24:00.

jarred was serious when he said that because he knows his white supremacist confusion is not working.

It's just like what Neely Fuller said "white supremaciy is about confusion"


get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
Tariq is a pimp and wants as much attention as he wants.

The way he used Haiti to make money was sickening

I'm no fan of Tariq's but I'd disagree with the second part.

I think Tariq's last documentary is doing a lot to help people unlearn a lot of the information that they've picked up over the decades from Western media about Haiti.

And like I've also said, he's reaching an audience that wouldn't otherwise wouldn't know the story or seek it out to learn.......including young kids of Haitian background living in America.

I've also said before that I'm going to give Tariq Nasheed full credit for the modern day "woke" era. His Hidden Colors series is really what set it off. At the end of the day, just like when I was younger in the early 90s "conscious era"....I see it all for what it is..good and bad.

Tariq has his shortcomings, I'm gonna listen to the audio of this debate he had tomorrow. I've heard him get handled by Schultz from brilliant Idiots. If losers like that can back Tariq into corners..he surely got bodied in this debate. But I have to keep it 100 and give him his props for the 1804 dvd.


Richest shooter
Jun 2, 2013
The whole thing is basically Jared saying white supremacy must suck and be weak since white people are losing at a whole lot of different things to all kind of different races including black people and tariq is saying "No white supremacy don't suck and isnt weak because y'all run the world and y'all are smarter than everybody even the people y'all losing too and y'all can kill black people and get away with it if yall want to". WTF...

I'm trying to figure out how can say white supremacists run the entire world and are collectly smarter than all non white people but claim you are for black empowerment. That seems like a contradiction to me because how can you empower black people by telling them white supremacists run you and can kill you and get away with it and white supremacists are smarter than you and even if you become a black wealthy billionaire or a black President that that really don't mean nothing because you are allowed by the white supramacist and you're just a powerless puppet and it's just symbolism.

That's the total opposite of black empowerment. You basically killing all ambition or hope a empowered black person.

Black empowerment is telling black people fukk a white supremacist and fukk white supremacy. And telling black people black people are collectively smarter than all non black people and that the only reason why white people might be ahead is because they had a 400 year head start and had wealth passed down to them generation after generation from free labor of black people.

Black empowerment is telling black people look at all these black millionaires and billionaires and black prosperous people. Black people have gotten farther, smarter, wealthier, and powerful than white people ever expected and faster than expected and the white supremacists couldn't stop that.

Black empowerment is telling black people look how Obama became a black President. White people never in history imagined it'll EVER be a black President with a black wife and black family and
the white supremacists couldn't stop that

Black empowerment is telling black people look at all these super smart black people and the white supremacists couldn't stop that.

Black empowerment is telling black people look at all these black owned businesses and the white supremacists couldn't stop that.

Black empowerment is telling black people look how black people take over and dominate all sports and the white supremacists couldn't stop that.

Black empowerment is telling black people look how a black super hero movie(Black Panther) is about to outsell all the white super hero movies and the white supremacists couldn't stop that.

Black empowerment is telling black people look Hip Hop is the #1 genre in music and the white supremacists couldn't stop that.
Dec 26, 2016
Tariq was in the unfavorable position in the debate of having to defend his position more and he didn't help matters by making such a broad opening claim about white supremacy. You can see where his self-learning falls apart. By attributing everything to white supremacy, he's able to cover himself on broad topics, but when asked about specifics, his answers tend to fall apart. That's why Jared Taylor kept asking him questions for most of the debate and boxing him in. A scholar like Cornel West or even Michael Eric Dyson (who I don't like) would have handled this better because their working definition of white supremacy would have been grounded in a discipline like socioeconomics, not just Cress theory or Nelly Fuller books. Tariq didn't win this one, though he did ask the most important question about the practicalities of a white ethnostate. He should have pressed Jared on defining whiteness and a bunch of other points, but again Tariq made a grandiose opening claim that was hard to defend.

Yup. Just like his argument regarding Whites oppressing Asian Americans. Tariq never answered the question of why whites would bring in Asians in, and not oppress them to the degree of blacks. He lost this one hard. The Coli taking Tariq's side in this is purely confirmation bias at best.
Dec 26, 2016
Tariq lost this debate and HARD. Lots of confirmation bias from Tariq, and in this entire thread. Tariq is just throwing out strawman left and right, and without any justifiable sources to back his shyt up. One thing I have learned from observing white people in debates- you need to have your fukking facts in ORDER. These people argue on the basis of logic, and reason ONLY; and they are VERY detailed in their arguments as well. Leave that emotional bullshyt at the door. He's trying to argue on terms of broad generalizations, hearsay, and throwing up things that of his "belief." Jared is running circles around him. The funny thing is, Jared's points are easy to knock down if your argument is framed correctly.

I don't want to hear the word "white supremacist" for a while after this. Goddamn, find another word to describe these people.