So he's not a it.How the fukk does him making a documentary now make him the spokesperson for you? So is Henry Louis Gates also your spokesperson? What about the supersize me guy?
Let me spell it out for your clearer: STOP LOOKING AT INTERNET PERSONALITIES AS LEADERS. You parents, local clergy, community heroes are your leaders. Stop trying to superimpose your idealistic views of what a leader should be onto these brothers because in the end, you'll be the only one dissapointed.

I'm not sure who feels that he is a leader... but I'm not gonna hate on the brothers that would pay attention to a brother like Tariq , for many reasons.
first off.... he says he's going to do something and does it. (this is more important than you realize)
Sure his videos have flaws... but that avenue of getting rid of white washing and then providing suggestions for solutions is needed. Dude is funny. He promotes mascilitiy in a world that TRIES it's hardest to destroy masculinity amongst black males. He's drops knowledge sometimes... dude is aight for the most part.
So a dude like me... I've had OG thug nikkas, my pops, uncles, older cousins, community leaders, and even madd pro black nikkas from the 60's ear influencing me my entire life.
So many of our youth (MILLIONS!!) don't have anything but their moms and other hoodrat hoes. I would never tell them some shyt like look at your parents (what if their parents are fukking useless??) , local clergy (by definition, probably a crook or useless or just NOT appealing to a young god) , or community hero (lol, like who... the dopeman??) . Most hood kids look up to the nikkas that are out there getting money. Plain and simple.
So sure Tariq isn't a leader.... but there are a few like him in some cities and young dudes should pay attention because their alternatives are usually all negative.