In July, Zinger and a victim were caught shoplifting from Nordstrom at International Plaza and Bay Street. Zinger identified herself to an officer using her name, but stated she was born in 2009. The officer could not find information on her with the date of birth she provided, but found an Alyssa Ann Zinger who was born in 2001.
Zinger told the officer she had a half-sister with the same name, the search warrant states.
The officer requested government, school and employment records about Zinger, which showed she was an adult, the warrant states. Later, employers at a Tampa Publix where Zinger worked also confirmed she was an adult.
It’s best to homeschool your kids.Warning
Lil boy-3rd grader- says to another classmate... wanna know why my pee pee smells like boo boo? Because I've been putting it up boys butts.
Just pray