........ stop it OP ........... I bet he drank Sunkist and ate chili burgers too, listened to Drake, watched porn, and favorite color was sea green ....didnt' they say he was Pothead, so that eliminates half the states of Colorado and Washington .. get a life OP
This is one of the dumbest theads and attempts at belittling critical thinking in the history of HL
@BarNone where is your Moderator Pimp Hand ......
the CIA was involved in 9/11![]()
Uh, there's no causative link between drinking Sunkist, listening to Drake, etc. and choosing to blow up civilians with a homemade bomb and shoot and throw bombs at cops.
There is a link however, between a guy getting immersed in radical jihadiist Islam and Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion/evil joos control the world and were behind 9/11 Alex Jones conspiratorial nonsense and acting out in the way he did. He's filled with hate over persecution of Muslims abroad, and think it's all part of a nefarious plot by the all-powerful archenemy Jew who controls everything.
The radical jihadist variety of Islam mixed with Alex Jones-esque police stateis the perfect cocktail of fear, anger, and purpose for an alienated young man. It's a scary sight.
I can't believe I actually had to explain.
Does Sunkist, Drake, or porn propagandize and misinform people that Jews and the CIA are behind an elite group to carry out a New World Order????
Din't thank so.....
There are people that might believe all three, there are people that might buy into just two, there are people that might only entrust their judgement in one of those, there are people that might not believe in any of that .... but still committ heinous acts ...... Jeffrey Dahmer what was his excuse?????
The irony is that you know you sound stupid, just can't admit it.... we understand....
Once again, I can't believe I have to explain what I'm about to say. No, everyone who follows jihadist strains of Islam and paranoid conspiracy gibberish aren't going to blow people up. But some will. Just because all of them don't doesn't negate the fact that the most unstable and brainwashed will be susceptible to doing so. It's not a very difficult concept.
Everything I said has been consistent, sound, and makes perfect rational sense. You just have no understanding of nuance and complexity when engaging someone with an opposing perspective (I worded that as nicely as I could).There's the real VictorVonDoom..... the King of Tiptoeing...... all of a sudden, he realizes his all encompassing thread title and OP has little foundation to stand on ... and has to back track and make amends.......
Its all good breh...
@thekingsmen learn how to multi-quote right and I'll respond to you.
You don't have to believe any of that to be a complete murderous a$$hole and go on rampage ...........
Gangs in Chicago murdering folk, favela hoodlums in Rio shooting up hoods, North Korean soldiers starving there on people, Japanese authorities telling folks its safe to eat radiated food....... the list goes on and on....
I don't mean to dig the rabbit hole even deeper but..... What if.....What if, this is a government plot to discredit conspiracy theorist? Alex Jones has been making a lot of noise since the bombings and people are paying attention instead of following the "official" story. Now, whether either one is right or wrong is not the point, look how they paint each other. The MSM wants you to think conspiracy theories are not worth believing, while Conspiracy Theorist want you to believe the government and MSM are lying to you. Who do you believe? I take a little from both to get some semblance of the truth. People were bombed in Boston, a Saudi was deported from America because of some sketchy business, the bombers obviously had outside help (Training or something to build those bombs), the surviving bomber is going to do OG triple life in prison. And the US Congress is a fukking failure..(in reference to CISPA and Internet Sales tax).
I didn't say if you believed in it you will be a murderous a$$hole but you can't ignore the strong potential it has to be heavily influential to the feeble minded. Especially those that sincerely believe in this stuff.
And all of them, or at least most, have a reason for doing what they do. The focal point is the influence that drives and cause these people to react and do the things they do and why it's important to draw a wedge between that negative influence and the feeble minded people.
Discredit Alex Jones...doubt it highly. Most plans in divide in conquer are known to play both sides to create further division.Do your own research.