i dont think the issue is whether the government was behind it, the government orchestrated it, or they simply let it happen because right now the level of government involvement in 9/11 is a virtual unknown.
what is known is they are not giving us all the information, they were not transparent with the appointed 9/11 investigation committee and even went so far as to impede the investigation (which is very suspicious, and usually the behavior of guilty parties), and there are a lot of suspicious events and coincidences surrounding the entire ordeal.
especially taking into account the events that took place after 9/11 with our invasion into iraq, the passing of the patriot act, and all the wealth that was created certain networks of bankers, defense companies, energy companies, etc., as a result of the wars and legislation.
but the main point is the government handled the whole thing incompetently. lets assume for a moment the government (including all federal agencies) is totally innocent of all malicious intent and involvement with 9/11... they still totally mismanaged the whole situation and did not allow the entire truth to come out. that to me is unacceptable.
The Bush administration tried to stonewall the 9/11 investigation because there was a massive fukk up within the law enforcement and intelligence community. The agencies weren't communicated with each other and dots weren't connected.
I agree that the government was incompetent and not forthcoming with everything, but it's disingenuous to try and merge that together with the notion that 9/11 was an inside job and act as if there is little to no daylight between those two ideas in terms of ethical culpability. They are entirely different in terms of their ramifications. It's like the difference between a guy who lives in a high-crime neighborhood and beefs with neighborhood thugs, and leaves his family alone unarmed with no security and goons come in and kill his wife, and a guy who plotted with the goons to kill his wife to collect insurance money or something. One is irresponsibility decision making leading to unintended consequences. The other is murder.
Not this shyt again. Fluoride is used in water because because it is shown to prevent tooth decay in study after study. But I know that no matter how much data or science or logic I bring the table, you're going to believe whatever crazy conspiracy you heard about the government purposely poisoning people with fluoride.
This is an example of the absurdity of conspiratorial thinking. Who do you think implemented fluoridation of water in the first place and continues to support it? Dentists, scientists...learned people who did case studies and experiments serving the public good who came to find out that fluoride prevents the rotting of teeth. Not some robed, moustache-twirling Illuminati villains.
human exposure to the massive amount of chemicals put into food, and the massive amount of new chemicals created for industrial use, and all the toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis, has contributed significantly to the downturn in human health.
@the downturn in human health. I must've missed that.
Life expectancy in the USA, 1900-98
but again, let's assume for a moment there was no malicious intent on the part of the government to introduce these toxins into our society...
the fact is they still let the toxins be introduced into our society and they are still not effectively regulating it. again, this is completely unacceptable.
the governments
#1 job is to protect the people, and at the very minimum the government is allowing the general public to be exposed to several harmful toxins... and we wont even get into the dangerous radiation we are exposed to every second that is interfering with several bodily functions including cell replication.
therefore the government is failing at its main duty and should be replaced immediately.
First of all, the government is not responsible to take care of peoples' health. That is not mandated in the Constitution. It's the individual's responsibility to take care of your own health.
Now I do agree that the government should be regulating toxic products and providing for consumer safety because it's the decent humane thing to do. And they do. I actually work in a laboratory in the manufacturing industry and I have to read and follow the federal regulations, and compose and type up company procedures which abide by them, so I know how intensive they get. I also know that many of them make perfect sense and some of them make no sense.
The world is not perfect. The government can do more and better in some areas, but they cannot prevent you from being exposed to toxins especially when industrial growth has gotten to ramped up while the population is growing exponentially simultaneously.
You would be better served to try and identify where there is room for improvement and what could be done to change that instead of just getting on this aimless "the evil government is poisoning us!" trip.
You don't seem to get that the trend of quality of health in general and protections against toxic products is on the INCLINE, not the DECLINE.
please dont talk about this as a viable strategy, this is not the 60s breh, nobody is going gun-to-gun with the beast. that will not benefit us in any way shape or form.
"nikkas ranting and raving bout gats, nikka they made them gats, and got some shyt that'll blow out your back, from where THEY stay at..."
I'm not talking about a viable strategy. I'm talking about ethical justification. If your view is correct (which I do not believe in the slightest) then the government does need to be torn asunder through violence. Revolutions happen everyday, b. Look all around the globe. But you know in your heart of hearts, you ain't about that because you love your life too much and you are comfortable. Some guy in Gaza has nothing to lose, so he has no qualms about launching rockets at Israel. Your life doesn't line up with your rhetorical posturing.
i actually think me and you see a lot of the same problems with society and the government, we just disagree about WHY it's happening. you don't think it's intentional on the part of the government, to you it's just incompetence and greed. while i think its incompetence, greed, AND maliciousness.
I agree with that somewhat.
but that doesnt even matter because the bigger point is - whether we are getting fukked because of government incompetence/greed/maliciousness, or because of corporate incompetence/greed/maliciousness is a moot point. all that really matters is WE ARE ALL GETTING fukkED. that much we can agree on right?
"Getting fukked" is relative. Every human being in every nation-state can argue they're getting fukked in some way, shape, or form. You're mad at the wrong things. There are enough real ways in which we're getting fukked, but you seem to want invent ones like this fluoride nonsense and 9/11 conspiracy.
You generally come off like a privileged denizen of a 1st world nation with too much comfort and too much leisure time inventing things to bytch about.
Why don't you go to Burkina Faso and tell Ibrahim about how you're getting fukked so bad in America by having to work about 40 hours a week and getting paid $25,000-$60,0000, whatever it is you make per year and having to suffer under the intolerable conditions of having fluoride in your water, as opposed to shyt, guinea worms, and cholera, and how horrible it is that you get to live until you're about 75 on average. Then watch him give you this