Dusty Bake Activate
Fukk your corny debates
Boston Bombing Suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev Influenced By Mysterious Radical
This is why I am dedicated to slapping you smartdumb nikkas' tinfoil kufis off with pure, righteous lightning bolts of reality here. Your delusions are not just funny, but dangerous. I know most of you armchair revolutionaries would never get off your couches and change out of your pajamas much less commit and act of terrorism, but the
you propagate can infect the minds of people who are already not wrapped too tight and lead to stuff like this.
He turned to websites and literature claiming that the CIA was behind the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and Jews controlled the world.
Tamerlan took an interest in Infowars, a conspiracy theory website. Khozhugov said Tamerlan was interested in finding a copy of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, a piece of anti-Semitic literature claiming a Jewish plot to take over the world.
This is why I am dedicated to slapping you smartdumb nikkas' tinfoil kufis off with pure, righteous lightning bolts of reality here. Your delusions are not just funny, but dangerous. I know most of you armchair revolutionaries would never get off your couches and change out of your pajamas much less commit and act of terrorism, but the