61 Corpses
The Breh
Yeah, step one was renaming Paternoville ---> Nittanyville. Most Penn Staters agree. Who catches attention of the media? The crazy idiots on the facebook page saying they're burning their diplomas and sh1t.
It's like when a pitbull kills a baby or something, you hear about it to death. Nobody talks about the pitbull across the street sh1tting outside and being a good dog cuz IT'S BORING.
Media should've at least given us some shine for Life for Life:
‘Lift For Life’ raises record $110,000 for Kidney Cancer Association | GantDaily.com
Largest student-athlete-run philanthropy in the nation.
Sane students, sane grads and sane faculty aren't gonna catch the attention of anybody as long as there's radical idiots blindly sticking up for Joe. He did a lot of good, he was my idol..but he fukked up bad. Move on.

Defend Paterno all you want, but leave pitbulls out of this.....a$$hole.