Uptown Thoroughbred
I dunno...I don't like makeup on any females.
I had one white female friend that I actually stopped being friends with cause I didn't want her to touch me...at all.
She wore cake makeup all the time and the shyt would rub off on my clothes when she hugged me and one time I made the mistake of kissing her on the cheek after she kissed me on the lips.
fukking nasty ass makeup taste that was so damn nasty. Lipstick combined with her powdered-donut face powder makeup...god it was disgusting.
That was the last fukking day I hung out with her.
I don't do sistas with makeup either. I see any female with loads of fakery going on...immediate turn off. .

Empowering? I guess. More accurately, ws took something away from us, a thing all other women enjoyed: the ability to 'glow up'. For women, who historically are valued based on beauty, that's a helluva blow competition-wise. It affects self worth, yeah, but also the ability to make good matches- that's $, that's inter-generational wealth, that's social standing. There's more to it than you're seeing. Fortunately for you, men are primarily valued by the things they do, not what they look like.
Sorry about your shirt tho.