I like Sly and all but lets be serious here for a minute Bruce is still bankable and demands a price that Sly probably wasn't really cool with. And as for Kevin Smith and that youtube clip so what he didn't like those cats yelling die hard. He been hearing that shyt since 1990 I'm sure you'd get tired of the shyt too after 20+ years of hearing people yell that shyt wherever you go. Fat irritating pompous nerd fukk always talk tough shyt with his band of nerds at Comic-Con and in books but wouldn't dare say shyt in Bruce's face and all it takes for half you clowns just jump on the fukk Bruce Willis bandwagon b/c Sly said it.

@ him thinking weird ass Harrison Ford is gonna be any better. That is one awkward muthafukka and without a whip and hat (and Spielberg directing it plus a flux capacitor to go back 30+ years) or the Millineum Falcon he aint shyt as far as action stars go.