Fuk this
Two thirds of the movie will have you thinking Momoa is the hero but the girl is really the hero, Momoa died at the subway station. The movie continues with the girl as the hero.What’s the big twist? I’m not going watch this
Or the dinner sceneThe reveal is hilarious.Somebody gave them the supersoldier serum. Its the only way this shyt makes sense. I knew something was off in those gym and Gala scenes.
And I thought Beckett was bad in that regardThat twist was such bullshyt I cut it off immediately. fukk outta here. This frail 16 year old chic taking out trained killers on some Jason Bourne shyt after a sparring match in the gym her father occasionally attended? That bump on her head after the train must’ve awoken a mutant killer gene. Get the fukk outta here. shyt was too stupid.