If I'm in a position of power, my only concern is making sure I have people who will have no qualms voting off the winner of the duel finale. That's people who will vote against Vytas, Aras and so far Tina which should be easy. My next goal is to take out Laura then Hayden. That can be used to solidfy Ciera's trust and eliminates a threat. Outside of those two people, I don't see anyone else that poses a threat. Then whoever comes back, it needs to be a team effort to prevent them from winning and send them home. I am keeping my eye on Monica because her nervousness also keeps her alert.
If I'm not in a position of power, the time is now to get Tyson and Gervase gone. I don't know who has the idol but it would be very easy to confirm that my non power folk don't have it. My immediate goal is to prevent an individual immunity win for Tyson and or Gervase then cast a split vote. That's Katie, Cerie, Monica, Laura, Caleb and Hayden. A 3/3 split with an idol played will bounce one of them because they only have two votes. From there, I'm knocking out Hayden and Laura once more. If I'm a girl, we sqauding up easy. If I'm a dude, I got some serious work to do. My sights would be set on Katie because her mom just left.
As a spectator, I hope that something happens to upset the course of the show. I'm all for seeing the people that I like win but I'd rather see upsets and fireworks. Of course, the non power folk can upset them at any time but I'd do it sooner rather than later because I want people battling against people who can send them home in the duels. I've been enjoying the hell out of this season because of the constant lulz being provided. I still gotta give a mention to Culpepper because he figured out a strategy that could have crushed the other competitors had he not zigged when he should have zagged.