Bu bu but Boosie talks about the gay agenda too much
ranting and raving about it doesn't change shyt
he feeds into their need for attention whoring unlike Dave Chapelle who systematically assassinates their character.
there's been a ton of gay characters inserted into everything it doesn't make none of this shyt successful and most of it flops just like when they were pandering to women with the female version of a male movie formula in Hollywood for a while.
If the business part of it it is not working out it just doesn't last. we won't have a ton of gays rushing out to buy this version of the comic and it will fall into irrelevance naturally.
people have to understand that fashion, film and theatre has been the traditional domain of the LBGTQ. they were always there. they are over represented on film because they have a heavy presence in the industry. they don't cater to what the people want to see but themselves..