it didn't do Iron Man 3/Avengers/Dark Knight numbers = flop
You mean dark knight rises.Do u even realize what your saying??
Iron man 3 is the 3RD MOVIE in a franchise. Sequels 9/10 always end up making more then the previous. MoS KILLED Iron Man 2 numbers
Avengers was the end result of 5 MOVIES. Of course it's gonna do crazy movies
Dark Knight was the last movie. Again sequels make more.
This is the first of a established DC universe. AND IT DID OVER 600 BILLION. That's a flop???? If the movie flopped they wouldn't of went RIGHT into Batman/Superman. Stop shock posting.
Damn so TDKR was flatout forgottennolans batman would not figure it out.
Do u even realize what your saying??
Iron man 3 is the 3RD MOVIE in a franchise. Sequels 9/10 always end up making more then the previous. MoS KILLED Iron Man 2 numbers
Avengers was the end result of 5 MOVIES. Of course it's gonna do crazy movies
Dark Knight was the last movie. Again sequels make more.
This is the first of a established DC universe. AND IT DID OVER 300 MILLION That's a flop???? If the movie flopped they wouldn't of went RIGHT into Batman/Superman. Stop shock posting.
Its damn near a flop. MoS barely made over its budget domestically. Film companies judge performance based on domestic returns. MoS made the bulk of its money overseas; execs aim to make their money back at home not the other way around. Had WB not had a plan in set for JL, this would've been rebooted or dropped all together ala 2003 Hulk or Green Lantern.
Completely wrongIts damn near a flop. MoS barely made over its budget domestically. Film companies judge performance based on domestic returns. MoS made the bulk of its money overseas; execs aim to make their money back at home not the other way around. Had WB not had a plan in set for JL, this would've been rebooted or dropped all together ala 2003 Hulk or Green Lantern.
You're my dude and all but this is absolutely categorically false. Every exec knows that movies make significantly more overseas than they do domestically.
all they care about is domestic, foreign is just icing