None of those are better than Superbad esp Pineapple ExpressAs great as superbad was Pineapple Express, tropic thunder, hangover, and of course step brothers all came after and were better. Comedies really died out in the last decade. minus a few here and there nothing that came out in the 2010's can touch anything from before 2010. Hell dodgeball is better than alot of comedies put out today.
None of those are better than Superbad esp Pineapple Express
Oh shyt I didn’t even see step brothers lumped in there. Step brothers is bettersuperbad is great dude, but it cant touch step brothers that is a classic.
I went to the theaters to see it too..Classic, every movie that tried to copy the formula after this (07) fell flat..This was like the new age American Pie or Road TripIf you saw it in the theatres when it first droppedclassic to me fukk yall