Trump will more than likely get another 4 years. This has grave consequences for this country, for world and our future. There is no way Biden (who is senile and can barely put together sentences) will hold his own against Trump.
Why did Warren stay in to get washed in her own state smh
Folks be proud to be on some "US southerners got something to sayNiccas want to blame the south. How about running candidates who don’t call themselves socialist and actually appeal to some of our black southern values instead of trying to shyt on us.
Too late for that now. I know a lot of black people that say Bernie is too old, although Biden is just as oldwould have been helpful for bernie to have spent the last 4 years promoting one instead of himself, but i'll stop beating a dead horse and leave that for our friends in the bernie thread to discuss
The did their best - and held it down for Hillary in 2016. Especially in Michigan. Even though they shouldn't have.
Biden is the same as Bernie. I hate both.
The difference is he atleast shows some respect to the Southern Black people and Black people in general. He also attended and courted the Black vote. Even though, we know his ass is racist -- Biden fakes it in their face.
I wish we would have gotten behind Liz.
Why is this a talking point? Biden is 77.
What did Biden do to garner the black vote other than be Obama's VP. Lets be honest - That's his only appeal.
Oh wait. I was reading it wrong. lmao it probably wont beTennessee is gonna be close as fukk looks like